Chapter Four | Why was Anger so mad at Sadness?

Start from the beginning

"Security we have 101 in the reception. Please escort her out." My eyes widen, I look behind me and see four guys walking in my direction. I stand up straight, my arms were grasped by two men as the other two picked up the flowers.

"Are you serious? Let go of me! Now!" They open the front door and throw me out along with my flowers as they scatter all over the paths. People rush through stomping all over them, I gasped rushing to pick the roses up. "Not cool! So not cool." I was on the brim of tears, and I bent to pick them all up.

After scooping up the undamaged one, I sat down on the floor since I wasn't going anywhere until they got paid. I was going to wait till Nicholas Hernandez leaves, I pull out my phone and urge Jake to return the remaining flowers to the shop before they perish.

He argues to stay with me, but I was his boss and I threatened to fire him.

He didn't believe me when I said that, but it was worth a try. I looked down at my phone to check the time. It was the evening already; rush hour was going to end soon.

I waited for what seemed to be three hours, the day shifted to night, and I still decided to stick it out longer. Gosh was this man a workaholic or something.

My phone begins ringing, I look down and see Laurens name plastered on the ID. I slap my forehead forgetting I was meant to approve of her dress. "Lauren-"

"Are you serious? Where are you? My date is in ten minutes and I dont know if I look skinny or fat in this dress." She shouts through the phone; I gasp and pull-out one of my headphone's before turning my attention back to her screaming mess.

"I'm sorry, I really am but I'm waiting for the blue roses to get paid for."

"Oh my, it was a prank call, wasn't it?"

"Yup, but it was sent to this man. I'm waiting for him to leave and pay. I spent, me and Jake spent five hours plucking and cleaning these."

Before she said anything, a black range rover parked out front and two security guards walked out before a man wearing a black tux did in the middle. I jumped up from the floor and rushed towards him.

"Nicholas Hernandez?" I yell, quickening my pace before the door could close.

"Get her away from me." When he speaks, his deep voice is magnetic to the core of who I am, as if he's able to resonate with all of me when others can barely achieve a fraction of it. Then his face glanced to me, I was completely shocked, dazed and mostly in love. This man.

My eyes are locked with his face, scanning every inch of his perfections and imperfections.

His eyes were more lovely because of the little patterns that resembled a forest scene. His thick brows, which reached just below his long lashes.

His nose was noticeable—a small hump that appeared to have never been there before—and his dark hair had fallen out and was carelessly caressing his forehead.

He had a scar that ran from the right side of his cheeks to his neck, but his collar sadly concealed the end of the scar which again was covered by tattoos. He was tall, maybe six feet five, with plump, lightly pink-tinged lips.

He looked just as shocked as me, "my name is Arabella; I work with Arabella's Florist. Your friend ordered you four hundred roses and now you have to pay." The security guards strolled towards me, grabbing my arms again.

He takes out a hand for the security to let go of me, "I have to pay? For flowers I did not order. Make it make sense." He slips inside his car, and I rushed to the door, pushing my feet between the door and the closing before it slammed hard. I gasped and stumbled back, without noticing, I tripped over my flowers and landed onto my back.

That was my fault.

I lifted myself onto my hands as I see him opening the door once again, he steps out and walks over to me. He crouches down to my level and picks up the squashed flower, "I suggest you pick your stupid little flowers and leave my property before I call the police." He whispers, standing up.

He walks to his car and throws the blue rose onto the floor before leaving.

All of a sudden, tears leave my eyes. I stand up and begin picking up the flowers from the ground and back into the box. I brought out my phone, dialling Lauren but remembering she was on her date, so I ended it. I wipe my tears that fell and began walking.

The minute I arrive home, I throw my shoes to the side along with the flowers and head into the kitchen, our apartment was an open floor plan. I take out a glass of water and drink it as if I hadn't in days.

Four hundred dollars gone.

Two hundred dollars spent and now the debt.

I had so many things to pay for, I'm surprised the landlord hasn't come barging in my home. I settle down onto the couch and bring out my laptop from the small coffee table in front.

Let us do a bit of research.

I type in his name, and within seconds billions of results turn out. Just as I was about to indulge, the door slams closed and Lauren walks in holding a fresh Croatian flower in her hand as she sniffs walking inside.

"How was the date?" I spoke.

"I think I'm ready for marriage," she whispers opening the fridge and taking two glasses out from the cupboard. "He was such a gentleman, first he brought me my favourite flowers-"

"Your favourites are Freesia's-"

"Shut up and go with it, first he brought me my favourite flowers, then he walked me to his car and let me tell you that man is swimming in cash." She flumped besides me and poured us both some red wine, handing me a glass. Her feet lands onto the coffee table as her head rested onto my shoulder.

"You smell like dirt." She said sipping her wine.

"Because my day couldn't have gone any worse,"

"Wait, you really waited for him to come out?"

"Of course, I did, I have to pay everyone in three days and here I am, cashless. I am such a shit boss." Lauren raised her head and slapped me directly onto the face gently. I gasped, grasping my cheeks from the sting.

"You listen to me; you are not a shit boss!" I waited for her to continue but nothing else came to her mid as she lets out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, that's all. Sorry for the slap, I wanted it to be like the movies."

"Can my life get any worse? I just want a godmother like Cinderella or Genie from Aladdin to come down-"

"Jasmin is smoking hot."

"I know but I just want three wishes!" I screeched.

"If you had a chance to make those three wishes, come true, what would they be?" I glanced towards her, shrugging my shoulders as I sipped the red wine. If I did have three wishes, what would they be? To have more.

"Well first, I would clear up any financial debt I am in. Second, I would want a prince charming to swoon me and make me fall in love with him. Third, I would want to expand my florist shop, move somewhere brighter and wider." I whispered.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying to focus but you reek, please go have a shower." She said holding onto her nose, I push her shoulder and throw my laptop besides me before lifting myself up.

My mind shifted back to Nicholas Hernandez, he was going to pay for these flowers whether he liked it or not.

My mind shifted back to Nicholas Hernandez, he was going to pay for these flowers whether he liked it or not

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