4 ~ I wanna touch you, Baby.

58 3 40

Sunday passed, and nothing much happened. Harry stayed for another day because he felt like it, Zayn didn't mind tho, but Zayn have to leave that afternoon for his Job at 3pm. Harry didnt have a clue what his Job, he wanted to ask again but he would never poke his nose where it shouldn't belong anymore, He didn't want to anger Zayn.

Zayn came home late at 12 am while Harry was past asleep at the guest room. Zayn didn't want to bother him so he got to his own room and sleep.

Monday morning, Harry woke up and go downstairs after he washed his face, and then headed to the kitchen where Zayn was, he was cooking.

"Good morning Haz" he said placing the foods at the table "come on let's eat, help yourself babe."

Harry felt flattered to Zayn's nicknames for him, he calls him a lot of nicknames though Harry's favorite is "babe"

"Good morning Zee, thank you for letting me stay longer, well erm... also for the food. and I will pester you a little more and I'm so sorry, but I have classes today and I need to go to school. do you mind if I borrow some money? I promise I'll pay it on sunday! cross my heart, I swear." Harry even does the gesture of crossing his Heart. He felt terrible but he doesn't really have enough money for the Bus, he usually walk but this place is too far. "it's just that your place is a bit far and I need to ride a bus to go there and I don't wanna be late, you can have my camera here for assurance that I'll come back and pay" Harry grumbles while searching for his Polaroid camera from his bag, once found he immediately reach out to Zayn. Zayn find it cute, he looks like a Kitten Grumbling.

"Harry, I dont mind. Okay? though I can literally drive you to your school."
Zayn suggested after he drinks his coffee.

"ah no! I don't want to waste your time."

"You won't, I dont have anything to do today anyway. I could use some fresh air this morning."

"your work?"

"They'll call me if they need something for me to do, no worries. they're still not calling, so I can drive for you cupcake."

"Thank you so much Zee, I feel like I'm such a burden." Zayn stopped eating and looked at Harry, his head was down and he's not even eating.

"Hey, how many times do I have to tell you that you aren't a burden. to make you feel better, I gotta admit how much I love your company, you're giving me this good mood vibe. you know it feels different now, here in my lonely house having you. it's bright and happy." Harry smiled and looked at Zayn, hearing those words made him better indeed and Zayn smiled back with his iconic smile where his tongue is poking his front teeth that Harry found special. no one else can smile like Zayn does.

"Thank you for everything Zayn, these things means a lot to me. you're helping me even though you dont really know who I am. you are so generous, and I promise you I'm always here to help you if you need someone. not that I'm a great help at all. I will pay you back, I promise.

"Harry, babe. It's fine, really. okay? honestly its nothing, I have enough money to help you in your financial problems at school to be honest just tell me when you need my help, Understand? plus hearing your story makes me want to spoiled you and take care of you."

"Yes father, you're such a kind person. now come on before I'm late, and I dont want it to happen." Harry said chuckling and pulling Zayn's hands.

"call me Daddy instead." Zayn wink then stand up to get his car keys. Harry just laugh at this mans antic.
They arrived at the university after 15 minutes or so.

"Mind if I walk you to the gates?" Zayn asked Harry after they got off the car.

"Do you?" Harry asked back hesitantly.

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