55: Waking To Chaos

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My eyelids felt heavy, and my body seemed to be filled with lead as I woke up fully. Severus woke up next, and our eyes met. He gently lifted our conjoined hands, and pressed a kiss there. My insides warmed to that, and then
I felt Lucius wake up beside me, yawning, "I could stand to wake up like this more often. Wait, we're not at Hogwarts. Cissa? What in the world are you doing on the floor?"

She looked like she had been in a duel, but she didn't look like she was harmed, just a bit disheveled. Narcissa's blue eyes widened. "Lucius? Hermione? S-Severus? You're..you're really awake?"

Severus sat up, stretching his back, and he sniffed his breath. "No, 'Cissa, we are apparitions come to haunt your dreams. Oooo. Spooky."

Narcissa chuckled, but the mirth did not quite reach her eyes. "Okay, I really believe that you're awake now. Only you would joke about something like that."

"Yes, and my breath smells absolutely foul, and I am in dire need of coffee," He replied.

Lucius looked around the trashed bedroom. "My Grand's bedroom in Brighton Manor. Why are we here instead of at Hogwarts, and where is Mr Prince?"

Narcissa teared up. "I...I can't say now. There is too much to unpack right now with you three finally awake and moving around."

Severus noticed the lack of a baby bump first, and he laid a hand there. "How long has it been?"

Narcissa shook her head, not wanting to answer until Severus took her in his arms, and ordered her to tell us how long we were Mind Travelling. Narcissa took a deep breath, and reported, "It has been four--"

"Months?" Lucius cut in. "It has to be at least that, you were pregnant the last time we saw you."

I went to Narcissa, and she hugged me tight. I hugged her back, and dried her tears. "Please tell us how long Narcissa."

"All of you have been sleeping for four years. Years," She finally answered, although it looked like it pained her greatly to answer. "Your son is living with Draco and Luna. Merlin only knows why she named the boy Dante, but he looks very much like a Malfoy, only he still doesn't know how to hide his wings like you can."

"And our twins, Cissa, what of them?"

"We have a boy and girl. Eileen and Callum. They are--"

"Mummy!" A dark haired four year old witch ran into the room, trailed by her brother. "Mummy! Mummy! Cal won't let me have the juice box. He...Daddy?"

Severus knelt at the kids' level, and the reunion was heartfelt as at first his twins were too shy to hug him, but then Eileen, the girl hugged him, kissing his cheek. "I can still have the juice box? Smocky says it's for lunch, but I was good at lessons, and Cal is mean."

"Am not. You are!"

"Cal, Ellie, you may both have juice boxes, and fruit snacks, but only one packet each," Narcissa ordered. "Do you hear me? I'm looking at you, Callum."

Callum, who looked the most like Severus, sighed dramatically, "Yes, mummy. But...But it's like Sharky shaped ones. Sharks are awesome."

She hugged her boy. "I know, hon. And Ellie, no sneaking off with Oreos. Your mummy, auntie, and uncle might want some too later on."

"Okay. Daddy needs to see my priourette later," She stated plainly.

Severus picked her up, and set her on his right hip. "Well, I will be a most captive audience, provided I don't have to stun any dancing rats or dark wizards from cursing you."

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