54: The Time Has Come

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The forwarded owl post the next morning from Draco Malfoy alarmed Richard greatly. Was it truly time to go back to the 19th century? If so, he wouldn't go down without a damn fight. What right did the Ministry have to police his life?! He had woken up in Narcissa's arms, and even though he didn't have the best track record when it came to fidelity, if anyone could be worthy of tying him down it would be this witch.

The letter arrived just after breakfast tea, and Cissa seemed to pick up on his distress. He handed her son's letter to her as well as the summons from the Unspeakables. Narcissa read it, and her face paled in visible shock.

"Oh, gods," She cried, "Are they implying that I...that we...no, I won't think of that."

He came around to her side of the table, and knelt at her feet. "You could always come with me, darling. You might even like it."

She shook her head. "No. No, I couldn't do that, Rich. I have a son, children to raise, grandchildren. I couldn't possibly leave them. No matter what my feelings are for you. No, I need to s-stay here, in this time period."

Richard sighed. He expected this answer, but still, he felt a bit of resentment that he played the gallant for four damn years, and this was his reward. Granted, he still kept up with his carousing in Knockturn Alley, and other places, but there was no reason for her to know that. Afterall, he hated being denied good trim when it was offered. He thought of that chit Parkinson, and inwardly rolled his eyes at that, no, he was in no mood for an overt slut to soothe his heart. An innocent, ah yes, that would be amusing for a change.

He put his mask of gentility back on knowing Narcissa loved that, it reminded her of his jaded nephew upstairs. "I understand, darling. Let's go see my dear nephew before my classes, or until the Agents show up, shall we?"

Narcissa wiped at her eyes, and allowed him to lead her upstairs to the bed where Violet Potter was attending to her Mistress. In a way, Richard wished that he could set aside his almost incessant need for trim in favor of just one, but as much as he cared for Narcissa Snape, he knew that he preferred variety; for wasn't variety the spice of life as some muggle said once upon a time?

The Sleeping Lovers laid as they always did, and Richard wondered if he would have been involved with Lucius's exclusive piece of trim if he had gone on the Mind Travelling journey with the couple. He would've liked to think that would have been the case, veela females were said to be quite the hellions in bed. He didn't care for her more than his endless ledger of notations of conquests, but he did feel his heart warming to Madame Snape more than he cared to admit.

He looked down at his Grand Nephew, and frowned. Gods, he looked like Bastian, and he had wanted to like him, but alas, he was too much akin to his brother for comfort. Now Lucius Malfoy, him he liked. He briefly knew Rene, and while Rene was a stickler for duty and honor, and all that chivalrous drivel, Lucius had more of a sense of humor. If Rene had been allowed to live, no doubt the two wizards would have looked like near identical twins. But alas, he had to go back to his dull brother, and Richard would go back to filling more of his mental conquest ledger.

Madame Potter rose from attending to her Mistress, and she curtsied to them both. "Oh, my lady, Mr Prince. I did not see you there. I will just go to attend to the children now."

Narcissa gently grabbed her hand. "Please stay, Violet. We shall be having some guests arriving shortly."

"Guests, my lady? I don't understand."

She handed her the Unspeakable summons, and she grew upset. "I...You don't think they are here for me as well, do you, my lady?"

"I truly do not know."
"Alright, I will remain."
"Good. I need you here."

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