54: The Time Has Come

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Richard was about to formulate a response to this when a flash of light formed in the bedroom, and two gray cloaked figures appeared in front of them. They tucked in their gold time turners into their cloaks, and of course, their voices were magically modified so that they sounded monotone to the ear, sounding neither female nor male.

"Richard Victor Prince, Narcissa Black Snape, you are found to be in violation of an illegal time vergence through magically bonding as one," One of the Unspeakables reported. "Violet Sutton Potter is also in violation of this law, designed to prevent these time vergences where children are created."

Violet began pleading, "No! Please...Please let me stay. I have two little girls who need their mother. My husband...Please, he's far away on an Auror case! If you won't let me contact him, he will be worried sick about me. Please!"

The first Unspeakable shook their head. "We have not the luxury of time. Come with us, now."

They reached for Violet, but some long buried instinct for chivalry rose up within Richard, and he pointed his wand at the Unspeakables.

"I believe the witch said no," Richard declared, "So, unless you wish to disregard her wishes, I would suggest you take me in her stead. She has a husband who would be most vengeful if anything were to happen to his dear wife."

"You leave us no choice. We're going to have to do this the hard way then. Oh, how fun," One of the Unspeakables remarked, their chuckle sounding more cold than it likely sounded to them beneath their hood.

Then, it was a magical bloodbath as Mrs Potter screamed at them to stop, and Narcissa fought alongside him. They put up a good fight as Narcissa tried to shield Mrs Potter, but in the end, one of the Unspeakables managed to cast an incapacitating hex, and both Violet and him were restrained...



The bedroom was trashed around them all, and they were all out of breath. "Say what you have to say to the prisoners, Madame Snape, before we lead them away."

Narcissa nodded. She approached Violet Potter first, and hugged her. Violet was crying, but she wiped them away. "I will tell Harry about what happened."

Violet nodded. "Tell him I love him. Hermione as well. Also, tell him I will raise this new little one to h-honor and l-love him."

Narcissa glared at the two Ministry agents, "How can you be so cruel?? The witch is pregnant!"

They shrugged their shoulders. "We have no partiality in this Madame...Prince. Ah yes, I do believe you will have quite the spirited conversation when Severus Snape awakens from his Mind Travelling. Do you have any final words for your new husband?"

Narcissa fought down her anger, knowing they were just trying to get a rise out of her. She went to Richard, and it was hard to keep her emotions under control. He looked sad, but to his credit, he wasn't crying.

"I wish I could go with you," She said lamely. "But I just...I can't."

Richard grinned. "I know, darling. I just want to thank you for the time we did have, it was a real delight. But, we would have ended sooner or later."

"What do you mean?"

He smirked. "You lucked out with my nephew, Cissa. Nor am I my brother. Occasionally, there are wild cards in the Prince line. You were a big notation in my ledger though, so take heart in that."

Her heart sank at that. "B-But you said...last night. It meant nothing to you? Nothing at all?"

"I wouldn't say that, love," He remarked dryly. "All I am saying is that I love witches and sex. I do care for you, Narcissa. Deeply. But, you and I wouldn't have lasted."

She understood then what he meant, but as she signaled for the Unspeakables to take him away, her conscience got the better of her, and she grabbed him and kissed him. He kissed her back, his kiss deep and passion. In her mind he said, ("I lied about not loving you. I do. I do not regret having you for as long as I did, my love. Farewell.")

The Unspeakables kept their charges restrained, and they took both Violet and Richard in hand, and wrapped their time turners around them. They turned their time turners, and as the hour glasses flipped back along with the golden rings, Narcissa caught Richard mouth the words, 'I love you,' before he was lost to time, but not from her heart.

She collapsed to the ground, but not after she noticed that The Sleeping Lovers had at long last awakened from their four year long Mind Travelling journey....

She collapsed to the ground, but not after she noticed that The Sleeping Lovers had at long last awakened from their four year long Mind Travelling journey

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