1. Party Pooper

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It was late in the night, the  moon was bright and full when a silent gunshot was fired at one of the houses in the moneybags' populated community of Golden Hill.

In the house where the gun was fired was the masked shooter, following the blood trail of the victim, down the stairs to the living room. "Please, don't kill me!" the man pleaded, as he sat down, back to the wall, in a puddle of his own blood stemming from his injured stomach

"Please..." The man continued "I'd give you any--"



"Which do you think goes better with this dress?" Rayleigh asked placing a silver earring next to her ears. She looked up to see her friend sitting aloof in front of the mirror

"Come on, Deb, we are running late" Rayleigh said

"I don't think we should be going" Deborah sighed

"Why not? You've been cooped up here for weeks now" Rayleigh stated "it's time you loosen up a bit. This party is what you need right now"

"A man died Rayleigh" Deborah exclaimed

"I know it's a little tone deaf--"

"A little?" Deborah interrupted

Rayleigh sighed before walking up to Deborah "what would you prefer to do tonight?" She asked

"Lock the doors, and go to sleep early--"

"That sounds miserable"


"Come on" Rayleigh said extending her hand to Deborah who takes said hand and they finish dressing up before heading for the party.

At the party, a man wearing a dark blue suit clings two glasses together, gathering the attention of the party goers. "Hello and thank you all for attending" he started "I am detective Ethan Isaac and by my side is my partner Patty Kane. We are in charge of the case to arrest the disgusting animal that have been going around killing the good people of this beautiful community

"I know things have been tough lately but i promise you my partner and i would do everything in our power to make sure the killer is brought to justice and peace is once again returned to this wonderful community." He finished

The crowd applauded as he set the glasses on a table before turning to his partner "nice speech" she said

"Well," he whispered "we need their full cooperation so it is necessary that we kiss their ass a little"

"Not your first time dealing with rich folks i take it?"

"No" Ethan looked around the party goers "wouldn't have been assigned to this case if it was"

Patty nods "I read about how you solved the Wendy Lewis murder investigation, i couldn't believe her own daughter was the killer."

Ethan looks at his partner "yeah, it's always the ones you least expect. Let's hope this one doesn't have the same drama"

"Agreed" Patty nods

"Quick question detective; at what time is the gate of Golden Hills closed to nonresidents?" He asked

"8pm sharp" Patty replies

"And what time were most of the murders committed?"

"After 8pm"

"Interesting. And how easy is it to enter the community at another time?"

"Pretty difficult, unless you're a delivery guy or the authority in which case you ought to leave before 8. However, if you know someone who lives there you can stay for as long as you like"

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