Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

I didn't have any other choice than this, he was acting like his not in his sense. To control him, I had to do it. He also started to get physical with Ameer.

When Neil looked up at Aarohi, she saw Neil's face fading away, and he looked completely lost. She knew at this moment Neil needed someone right now, so she gripped his hand and intertwined with hers.

"I'm sorry I slapped you Neil, but it was necessary. You were acting like a mad man."

"Please tell me she's not her." He pleaded, I can say it with his voice sound.

"It is" I told him the truth. He sighed and started to sobbed slightly. Then he steadied and looked up at me. His eyes was red. He sniffed, and nodded at me.

Then, Ameer opened the ward room, Aarohi walked in bringing Neil with her. Inside the room, there was a lady in her 40s age, laying on the bed and seen sleeping. There was a monitor beside her, showing her heart beat.

"Neil" Aarohi gently shaked Neil's shoulder. Snapping out of his thoughts, he looked at Aarohi. She didn't say anything, she just signed him to see at the lady. He turned slowly and saw her.

The moment my eyes landed on her, it teared up. I tried to control them but couldn't. I was totally shocked to the core, that I felt hard to breathe. My body temperature lowed, making my fingers cold. I walked slowly near her, blocking Aarohi's voice where she was asking me to calm down.

I sat beside her, and looked at her face, scanning them. She looked so different than in the picture I saw her. In the picture she had long black hair but now it's gone. I slowly placed my hand on her forehead and caressed her head front to back.

Then, my eyes went to her face. She was sleeping so peacefully, then she turned to my side and slightly opened her eyes. Closing them back, she said "Ameer you have came back dear?" Her voice was heard sore. It showed she is in weak state.

That time, Neil really couldn't hold on, so he broke down right there. Falling on the floor on his kneels, closing his mouth with both hands and cried out. Aarohi who saw that, immediately went to him, and hugged him.

"It's ok. Just cry out, I'm here" Aarohi soothed him with her words reminding she's here for him. She caressed his hair lovingly and rubbed his back up and down.

Hearing it, I hugged her, placing my head near her neck and my hand wen to her waist. I pulled her near me more, and cried out like she said.

After a while, Neil stopped crying but didn't let go Aarohi. Both were still in each other's arms and Aarohi didn't mind it. Cuz she knows he needs someone, and she also knows the pain of losing a mom, even though he didn't spend anytime with her. She is still his mom, the one who carried him for nine months and gave birth by handling the labor pain.

"Neil?" She asked softly.

"Hmm" was all his response.

"You okay now?" She asked with concerned.


"Will you talk with her now?"


Getting irritated with his answers, she broke the hug and hold Neil by his shoulder. "If you say hmm again for any other questions, I swear I will hang you like a bat!" I said through gritting my teeth.

I wanted to reply hmm again, but then remember her threat so I just voiced out. "I won't"

Nodding, she helped me to stand up. I looked back the her, this time she was awake. I felt something heavy on my chest suddenly, the same pain I felt when I saw her just now. Controlling them, I went near her.

She just looked at me blinking her eyes. Then she turned to Ameer and asked him, "Beta, kaun hai yeh ladka?"

"Maa yeh Neil hai. Aapka beta, the one you always talk about. It's him" Avni quickly looked at Neil, and tried to sit up. Her sudden move, made Neil and Ameer both to rushed to her and stopped her from doing that.

"Maa, you can't sit up. You need to lay down, doctor said it right. Please down push yourself." Ameer pleaded with Avni, and she just agreed. Even Neil nodded his head at her even though he don't know about her health.

"Neil?" I nodded at her.

"Neil. My beta, Neil hai tum?" She asked again and again.

"Yes, I am"

Avni felt so happy to see Neil. Tears rolled down her eyes, looking at Neil. She saw him being a grown up man, handsome just like his father, or maybe more.

She brought her hand near his face, seeing it, Neil leaned near her, she caressed his cheeks. The touch made Neil to tear up too.

Then, Avni brought her another hand and placed them on his left cheek. For a minute, both were in that position, then Avni brought her hands a bit far form Neil and signed him to hug her. Without saying anything, Neil just hugged her. Both cried silently, for twenty four years they were separated.

Yes, it was Avni's choice which made them to separate but the situation made her do it. Sometimes we have to do to something which we don't like at all. Guiltiness, anger on her self, helpless many kind of emotions rushed in Avni. She gripped Neil tighter, not letting him go.

But due to the tight hug and crying silently, Avni coughed and had to let go Neil. Neil took few step back, and saw her coughing. The more she coughed, blood came out from her mouth.

My eyes went wide, I heard Ameer and Aarohi rushed calling for help. I wanted to run and bring a doctor but I couldn't move. I felt like, my body was not in my control, heart urged me to do something, but my mind is blank.

A doctor and two nurse rushed in, started to treat her. In corner of my eyes, I saw Aarohi calling me, but I couldn't answer her back.

Seeing no reaction from him, Aarohi walked near him and pulled him out from the room. Aarohi made Neil to sit, and she sat beside him where else Ameer was standing and looking through the small window on the door.

"What's wrong with her?" Neil's sudden question grabbed Aarohi and Ameer's attention. Both looked at him and each other's face, then Ameer came infront of Neil and kneeled down matching his level of height.

"What?" Ameer asked again cuz he didn't hear Neil's question properly.

"Why is she coughing blood?" He asked. Ameer didn't answer but looked at Aarohi, "WHY?" This time Neil asked sternly and loudly. Neil looked straight into Ameer's eyes, Ameer saw anger and confusion in Neil's eyes.


Hello! Here you go the next chapter. Do tell me in the comments about your thoughts based on this chapter.

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