I hear a door open.

Who the hell is that. I grab my gun while walking to the door. I look at who just walked in. Oh. It's just Apollo. Alright.

" So how was Aurora "

" Perfect as always"

" And what's her outfit for the day?"

" She'll show you when she wakes up " I say as i grab my keys and start walking over to Aurora. I give her a kiss on the cheek and make sure she's comfortable and not at risk of falling off the couch.

" You really treat her like a little barbie doll"

" Cause she is. Well i gotta go. Be warned though, when Adonis gets home y'all are having a family meeting"

" What."

" You'll see."

Apollo POV

  Oh god. I would never admit this to anyone but i'm terrified. When Adonis calls a family meeting its always a sappy shit show or we're about to get the most aggressive words thrown at us all at once . I'm pretty sure we're getting the first option. Last time we had a family meeting it was when  Dominic was in high school playing football. Me and Luca may or may not have pulled a prank that made him real mad. We got home and Dominic beat the shit out of us. Well,we all beat the shit out of each other.We all got yelled at by Adonis. We got everything taken.Our laptops, our phones . Everything. And this was at the time our dad was still around-ish. Adonis was basically our father at that point but we were still super young.

  I'm quaking in my boots right now. But what else can I do except hope for the best i guess.

"  Okay missy it's time for you to go to sleep."

" Noooo i don't wanna "

" Well you're gonna."

" no no no no no!"

" yes yes yes yes yes"

  then she starts running. One thing about this little girl is that she is a runner. You give her the chance and she sprints. dashes away. Lucky for me i'm just as fast. She runs up the stairs and tries to climb them, she gets up to the 6th step before i catch her and grab her by her upper arms and yank her up. I lean her on my hip and she just accepts her fate. She starts blabbering about her day and how her and Marie watched so many movies.

  Marie told me she was already bathed so i didn't see why i had to bathe her again. I pull out a pair of purple, Tangled pjs . While i help her change her clothes. I hear the door open and the voices of Luca and Dominic come in. Aurora doesn't even notice because she's already half asleep. She keeps falling asleep and waking up again.I lay her down and go pick out a pair of fluffy socks for her to wear . I put them on her and carry her over to her bed.

" night Aurora."

" night-night pollo" she says as she gives me a kiss on the cheek.

  I walk down stairs and see Dominic and Luca talking to each other.

" No i don't get how people can like apple music over Spotify. "

I agree with Luca. Spotify is better.

" Apple music is the shit. Why the fuck would i want to have listen to 4 ads for just 2 songs."

" You can get premium. Why would i want to buy every song individually."

" You know what, i hate you so-"

Dominic got cut off my adonis walking through the door.

" Go sit down in my office. "

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