Turning the key in the lock I chuckled sadly at my predicament.  It doesn't matter now though.  A sigh drained from my body at the smell of home and the comfortable solitude it symbolized. 

I shuffled to the kitchen after shutting and locking the door, practically throwing open the fridge to snatch a quick snack.  Looking over my shoulder quickly first, I checked for any lingering shadows but there was nothing but welcome silence.  My hand went to pull at the string of my mask behind my head, slightly anxious still, even when I was alone.  Taking the mask off was somewhat of a relief though, especially after a long day of work and hiding. 

I took a bite of the snack before heading to pass out on the couch, the food in my hand instantly falling to the ground with a thump.  I blanched at the sight of Kyouka standing there, practically fuming and something straight out of my worst nightmares.  My hands darted to cover my face in terror but it was already too late.  That look in her eyes had already clicked the pieces of the hellish puzzle together and she was just as furious as I had imagined. 

"Kyo, please, I have a reason for this if you let me explain," I desperately rasped out, the feeling of suffocating almost unbearable.  Her mouth was a tight line, the sign of a person who wasn't going to hear any excuses. 

"I didn't want you to know who I was because I was afraid that everything would be awkward or weird or I'd find out that you had long ago cut me out from your mind and I couldn't handle that Kyo," my voice wavered.  "I couldn't lose you again, not after I had just gotten you back.  But I swear I am so sorry for not telling you soon—". 

A harsh sting erupted across my face as Kyouka's hand slapped me.  I didn't dare move as I felt myself shut down in response.  She glared at me but I was too distraught to notice the small tears pricking at the corners of her narrowed eyes. 

"You led me on for months on the premise that we had just met and kept yourself away because you're a coward," she whispered, almost too quiet to hear.  "I don't want to speak to you anymore."  I reached out, trying to pull her into an embrace.  I needed to explain everything to her but she only shoved my arms away.  And with that and a blink of an eye she was gone, leaving me here with tears pooling down my stinging face at what I had done.


Kyouka's POV

This fury and pain mixing inside me was sinister.  He should've told me sooner.  He should've revealed himself that first day.  He didn't have to hide from me and start our friendship all over again as if all those years spent together meant nothing.  I wanted to leave him behind, walking away after slapping him.  But as I glanced over my shoulder, a sharp ache panged in my chest. 
Tears were in his eyes and his expression was one of regret and sadness.  It hurt to see him like that and a small part of me yearned to go back and wipe his tears away but I left him alone, moving on and away from him as if that would ease the pain.

A whole week passed by and my sadness seemed to only grow over time.  Each attempt I made to apologize was only greeted with a cold shoulder and an equally cold stare.  It was clear that Kyouka wouldn't be forgiving me or even talking to me anytime soon.  Despite our shattered friendship and lack of communication, we still had work to do for the ADA. 
She still managed to push me away each mission we were paired for though, my anxiousness increasing whenever she was suddenly gone from my side but in all of those cases she had decided to just go on ahead and complete the assignment without my help.  It made me uneasy that I was seen as expendable by her, that I was easy to toss aside after everything we've had together. 
I glanced over to Kyouka, surprisingly still by my side.  She usually didn't stick with me this long and would've already disappeared into the shadows to take on our target by herself.  I wasn't sure what was making her stay but it gave me the smallest amount of hope. 
It could just be the fact that we weren't entirely sure what we were headed towards, the only information given to us was by an anonymous informant for the ADA giving a tip of some criminal activity in the area.  In my opinion the whole thing sounded sketchy but Kunikida assured us that they were a credible source. 
With no other option than to complete the mission, I found myself increasingly nervous with the awkward silence of Kyouka and suspicious quietness of the alleyway we were now in.  If something were to happen I had to make sure she was okay.  Even if she clearly didn't care for me anymore, that didn't stop my own feelings from caring for her. 
The slightest scrabbling of something sharp on stone from behind us had me darting in front of Kyouka without a second thought, my back bracing for a hit that never came as my arms reached to wrap around the dark haired girl in front of me. 
It took a few quiet, adrenaline filled moments before I felt Kyouka stir in my hold, my head turning to look over my shoulder at the empty space where the strange sound had come from.  Hands pushed on my chest harshly as Kyouka angrily turned away from me, my face burning with embarrassment at my wrong instincts.  This mission apparently had me more on edge than I had originally thought. 
I watched solemnly as Kyouka marched on ahead without looking back to make sure I was following.  My heart fell even further knowing I had, yet again, screwed up.  Eyes falling to the ground, however, I spotted the glimmer of something out of the corner of my eye. 
I brushed aside my shame momentarily as I focused on the strange wiring on the littered ground.  It looked far too complex to have been thrown away or placed casually.  A red light flickered suddenly as I felt the blood rush out of my face at the realization.  My legs ached with the sudden force of sprinting down the alleyway where Kyouka stormed off, the wires twirling on the ground with a silver canister just steps away from us. 
My hands reached out desperately, my fingers gripping the soft fabric of her kimono and giving it a harsh tug that sent her flying backwards as my momentum drove me forward, the silver canister exploding under me in a blinding inferno that sent my body into agonizing shock.  I hit the ground hard, my skin flaming with the pain of a thousand cuts.  There was only a blurry darkness and the screams of someone begging me to wake up.

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