Learned Lesson 2 : Your friends will never forget you!

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Author POV

Something was different this time what? , well Briar had hoped and prayed that her dear Soviet would wake back up eventually and guess what he did so for old times sake they went to Briar's garden. Building flower crowns for eachother and Briar learning where Ukraine got her good flower crown skills from as Soviet was making them like it was second nature. "Awww , Soviet do you really have to go?" Briar says holding on to Soviet's arm before he leaves to go back to Russia "Yes I do , but i'll see you at world meetings " Soviet says before kissing Briar's forehead and leaving Briar a blushing mess. It had been a few weeks and Briar has not been feeling her best as she is now resting in bed after she got done throwing up for the 3rd time in the week and when she told Soviet what was happening and why she was discharged from the hospital for he said that he would tell Briar's brother what happened. "BRIAR!" UK exclaimed running to find his sister cause after Soviet told him what Briar told him and now she was throwing up like this he was worried that she might be...


Our Great Britain~{Sovbrit} Book:1 (Discontinued)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt