Lesson 2: Don't curse Infront of UK's little sister!

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When the commotion finally settled down UK could now introduce his sister to the other countries , and of course UK knew they were going to be excited to meet Briar since she is a girl and you don't see a female country everyday since there where only so many female countries with them being Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia, West Germany , and now his sister Briar or Great Britain if you wanted to be formal. But back to the real meaning of this lesson it's to not curse in front of his sister ' Why shouldn't you curse Infront of Briar? ' I hear you asking that right now , well here's the short summary ever since Briar was a child UK has never let anyone who he thinks is a ' Bad influence' as he says be around Briar which is why she so oblivious to how cruel the world really is. Now that you know why UK doesn't want other countries cursing around Briar , let's move on to the situation where are lovely friend America decided to visit UK's palace while Briar was visiting and was cursing quite a lot. "Aww come on UK don't be a bitch about it I didn't know that your sister was babied all her life..." America explains looking quite guilty since UK just gave him a hours long scold for cursing so much Infront of a now very horrified Briar. "W-why would you say such horrible words!" Briar exclaims still with fear and a hint of anger in her eyes "Yeah America why would curse so much after UK told you to be quiet huh?" , now says Soviet with smug look on his face which America did not like one bit. "Well you have a colorful vocabulary too , ya commie bastard!" America now yells which was the final straw for Briar since her eyes started watering and 2 maids came out of nowhere and quickly walked Briar out of the room, and UK knows when those 2 particular maids come to escort his sister out of the palace. After America got scolded by both Soviet and UK who both were now glaring at America , and if looks could kill America would've been dead a long time ago with the way they were both glaring at the American country.

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