Learned Lesson 1 : Don't go out at night

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Author POV

By the time someone found Briar she was out cold and had a dangerously slow heartrate so they sent her to the hospital quickly before her heart stopped beating , after they got Briar to the hospital they of coursed called her brother who answered the first timed it ring cause not to long ago Belle told him that his sister was discharged from the hospital. And of course UK understood that they wanted him to be calm about the situation but if you knew your sister was found passed out on a sidewalk you would be worried to wouldn't you? , so when UK and Belle got there you could say everybody was scared since i'm pretty sure they both looked like they were ready to go to war "Where is she?" Belle asked the lady at the front desk who really looked like she was ready to piss her pants "I-I don't know who your talking about?" the lady stuttered with tears in her eyes "Where is the PRINCESS!" Belle yelled holding a knife to the now shaking woman's neck , so close that it started to drew blood "She's in room 225!" the lady sobbed as the knife was slowly getting closer. With now knowing their destination Belle and UK took a elevator to the 2th floor and quickly ran to Briar's room UK then let out a sight of relief when he saw his sister sleeping peacefully with little snores coming out of her mouth, UK than suddenly ran to his sister's side bringing her into hug , you could then hear little sobs coming out of UK's mouth with the tears rolling down his face as holds his sister tighter Belle seeing UK crying runs over and hugs both of the siblings in her arms as they all fall asleep safe, and sound.

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