Chapter 6

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We sit and go through a few things for the scenes that are probably the most nail biting, and there are quite some in there.

The front door slams and then a familiar voice comes from the hallway.

"So, they didn't have anything I wanted...oh..." We both look up as Scott walks in and instantly notes me sitting there. "I'm sorry, have I just entered the twilight zone?"

"I told you Fallon would be here, idiot" Chris throws him a look. "We're going over a few things"

"From the past or for your show?" Scott raises a brow as I hear Chris mutter 'Jesus Christ' under his breath. "I'm sorry, anyway it's nice to see you Fallon, I'm just gonna go be somewhere else..." He begins to back out of the room, but Chris stops him.

"Oh no you don't, we need someone to go through the therapy scene with us - sit your ass down".

Scott begins to make his excuses. "I don't wanna intrude on whatever this is..."

I now get up. "We can always do this on video call. I should go..."

"Oh, don't leave on my account" the younger Evans turns to me.

"No, it's fine. Probably best I do actually. I don't wanna make things anymore awkward than they already are".

Chris sighs. "Fal..."

"It's ok. I didn't think Scott would be here, but I don't want any tension because of me" I say and head to get my coat from where it's hung up. I'm gonna be needing an Uber at this rate, no way can I walk to the damn hotel from here. I pull my coat on and turn to Chris who has followed me out. "Look, I'll send you a message later and we can organise this for a video read through".

"Don't worry about Scott, I told him you'd be here, but he just forgot. He's fine, really..."

I look at him. "He's not...I always knew if I crossed paths with him or anyone else in your family again then they wouldn't be rolling out the welcome wagon. And rightfully so. I hurt you, and by doing that I hurt them too".

I take my bag and open the door, but he grabs my arm and stops me. "Fallon...stay, please". There's a look of desperation there that I haven't seen before, not since the last time that I saw him.

By now Scott has come out to the hall and smiles weakly. "Honestly, it's ok. I'm sorry, I was just surprised to see you after so long". I know that neither of them has a single malicious bone in their body, but that's not the point. I don't want things to be awkward. "Please stay?"

I sigh and drop my bag. "Ok, fine - you've twisted my arm". Speaking of which, Chris's grip is still there on my arm. He quickly realises this and lets me go.

We head back into the living room and settle back down again, Scott taking my script while I share with Chris, the three of us going through it a few times to see which way works better. "We good with that one?" I finally ask.

Chris nods. "Think we nailed that one".

"Or each other, wait isn't there a scene where..." Scott begins to flip through the script, but I cut him off.

"Yeah, we're not gonna be going through that one today thanks". I quickly stop him and check the time. "Is there anything else we need to look at while I'm here?"

I hear a muttered, "Each other..."

"Scott!" Chris warns, "shut up".

"I mean, I'm just wanting to know whether or in fact how you guys can work together".

"Acting!" Chris stresses to him. "Fallon and I have sorted things out. Yes, things were left shitty, but we're older now. This is just like any other project I've done. She's my co-star and I'm hers. Nothing more, nothing less, ok?"

Scott passes the script back to me. "I just didn't know whether anything was still there, that's all" He shrugs innocently.

"No". Comes the firm reply from the older Evans. "There's not".

Ouch. Now that hurts even more hearing it from him like that. He's protecting himself though and rightfully so.

"He didn't mean any harm". I now say, sticking up for Scott "He's just looking out for you, if it was me then I'd be too".

He looks at me but says nothing for a moment. "I think that's probably all we need to go through".

I nod. "And it's time for me to get going. I'll see you at the table read". I tell him and once again make for the hall to get my coat. I'll call an Uber once I'm out of here.

Later on, at the hotel, I lay staring at the ceiling, contemplating what the situation could've been like if Chris had been the one to call it quits. Would it have stung more? Would Scott have reacted differently to seeing me again? He'd always be on his brother's side regardless though.

The phone next to me vibrates on the mattress and I glance to see who it is.

Daddy Barber

I really need to change his fucking name on here.

Reaching for the phone, I read the message that Chris has sent through.

I'm sorry about the whole Scott thing. I don't want this to change things between us or make it awkward. C

I send my message back to show him everything's ok. It's alright, like you said earlier, we're co-stars, nothing more and nothing less.

The worst thing is, writing that hurts more than turning down his proposal.

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