Chapter 3

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"Ok, so can we do the whole 'marriage is a lie' scene? I think that would be a good one to see between you two". The director now asks as we now find the page we need and quickly look at the lines. The scene itself is a chilling one as Laurie voices her doubts over Jacob innocence. Now I have to show that I can play a mother in turmoil, conflicted in her mind as her world is falling apart around her. 

Let's just hope I can do this. 

We begin, glancing down at the script every so often, "No one can sustain that level of deception". Chris argues. 

"Of course he could, you of all people should know that..." I stare at him hard as his face changes and he lets out a small 'heh', and for a moment I do really think I have upset him, but then realise that this is him channeling Andy and his reaction to a line that hits hard. 

I'm lost in it. 

I'm lost in him, but I need to keep in character. 

"Yeah of course, he learned it from me..." He looks down and shakes his head. 

I now meet his eye, pausing for a moment. "Maybe he learned it from both of us..." 

The look he's giving me is something else, and now I really do feel the guilt surge through me. "What do you want me to say Laurie? 'You're right, our marriage is a lie, our whole fucking family is based on a fairytale, built on nothing. And my sons a murderer, is that what you wanna hear?" He asks quietly with the bitter tone apparent.

I swallow and shake my head, both of us simply staring and looking broken at one another. "No...but that doesn't mean it isn't true". 

There is silence and then the director speaks. "Ok, wow, that certain hit us all where it hurt", he says as the others who had been watching now applaud. "I think we're all in agreement that we have our Andy and Laurie Barber right here?" He looks around as the others nod and agree with him. 

I'm on the phone to Kimberley as I make my way out of the building. Both Chris and I are going to be called in to do a read through with the actor, Jaeden, who will be playing our son. Chris has apparently worked with him already on a film that's soon to be released this year, so I'm looking forward to meeting him and seeing how well we can play a family. 

I hear someone calling me and turn, seeing Chris now catching up with me. 

"Call you later". I say and hang up, waiting as he reaches me. "Well, you got your wish, looks like I'm gonna be your wife". I smirk. 

"Very funny" He rolls his eyes. "I wondered whether I could take your number? Just so we can keep in touch - work purposes". He now confirms so as I know the reason is not because he wants to see me outside of the job. 

"Do I put you down as 'husband' in my contacts? Or would you prefer 'Daddy Barber'?" 

He smirks back at me. "I'd like to think if we'd worked out then you'd have been calling me Daddy by now, you missed an opportunity". 

I'm stumped but can't help but smile. "Now that's cold" I say and give him my number. 

"Cold as ice, sticking you right in there as 'Worst GF'". He confirms, showing me the name he's given me. 

"Wouldn't 'bitch ex' be a better fit?" I ask, sensing that we can just joke about the past now. "That's what I am isn't it?" 

Chris smiles and shakes his head. "If you'd have asked me that years ago then I'd have said yes, but you're not Fal, I know why you did what you did. I'm just glad that we can work together with no awkwardness, and you were amazing in there - so much that I almost forgot what the fuck I was meant to be saying". He tells me truthfully. 

"It may not have been awkward then, but what's to say that it won't be on set?" 

He shrugs. "We're actors, aren't we? It's our job to cover that kinda thing up, but if we're talking like we are now? I see that as a good sign." He checks his watch. "I gotta run, but I'll see you at the read through on Thursday". 

I throw him an awkward wave. "Byeeeee". I say quietly as he doesn't wait for me to reply and heads to the waiting car. 

I honestly hope to God this isn't as awkward as I can currently picture it in my head. We have a glimpse of a sex scene too which is something both of us agreed to. 

You're a professional Fallon. You've got this. You can convince everyone who knows what happened that you can work together without any hassle or awkwardness. 

My phone vibrates in my hand, and I look down at the screen. 

Daddy Barber: Forgot to say, looking forward to working with you. Chris. 

I sigh and text him back. Yeah. Me too. Fal. 

A kiss for good measure? He didn't put one, so I refrain from doing so and simply send my reply back to him.  

Only time will tell if we can pull this off. 

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