Chapter 1

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"It was good to see you again Fallon, you look great, really you do" Chris says as his eyes skim over me once the show is over and we're backstage, ready to leave.

I nod, suddenly feeling rather shy around him now it's just the two of us. "Yeah...yeah you too".

"Good luck". He smiles kindly and turns away, about to leave but I stop him.

"Are you happy?" I now ask as he turns back to me again. "Are you happy with how things turned out for you?"

I need to know.

He looks at me. "Just kinda always wished that you'd be the one sharing it with me..." there is the same pain in his eyes as there was years ago when I left. "What about you?"

"I have regrets, and you're one - not because we dated or anything, that was the best time, but because I regret hurting you and denying you that chance we could've had of a family and life..."

Chris shrugs at this. "I should've fought harder for you I guess".

"You still wouldn't have won. I was young and stubborn. I thought me wanting to do what we do now would prevent us from having what we wanted eventually. I didn't want to be selfish, but I was anyway regardless of the choice. I thought that if I let you go then you have the chance to find someone who wanted that".

"I didn't want it with anyone else - I wanted it with you". He states and then his publicist comes over to tell him that his car his waiting. "I've gotta go..."

I nod and then watch as he leaves, the whole conversation as well as the evening in which we've been filming, leaving me incredibly deflated.


"That was a fucking disaster". I state to Alice, my publicist as we make for the car to take us to the hotel. I'm heading to the US come morning and need sleep, especially after that appearance- already it's causing a stir on Twitter so no doubt that by tomorrow it'll be all over the internet and gossip columns galore.

The press are going to have a field day.

"We can handle it" Alice assures me as we now get into the waiting car. I sink into my seat and run a hand through my hair. "Besides you did well answering what Graham had to ask".

"Jesus, I can only imagine what Chris was thinking". I groan . "I'd rather have answered questions about the wanker husband, than have to go through my dating history with my ex sat right there and reopen old wounds".

"You were poised and professional".

I throw her a look. "And inside I was shitting myself, even Chris could sense that".

"Because he knows you, besides he quashed the engagement rumour when he could've said it as it was - I still think he does care somewhat". Alice says as she sends an email, presumably to the rest of my team who are probably gearing up for a shit load of negativity surrounding this.

I can see the headlines now:



Amongst other not so flattering ones, as well as hate comments from Chris's fans. Those will be interesting to hear about.

I've learnt in this business you can't afford to beat yourself up about what the media put out there about you, because in everyone's eyes you'll never be perfect. You so much as show a little bit of bloat they're dubbing you too fat or pregnant, and if you step out looking twig thin you're too skinny. Hollywood is brutal, even I know that.

"Did you know he was going to be on there?" I ask Alice, wanting to make sure that she knew nothing and wasn't keeping it from me.

"No, I wasn't aware, otherwise I would've given Graham's team a heads up to not ask those kinds of questions, just as I'm sure that Chris's would've as well".

I stare out of the window, knowing that he's very much a private person. I am too, however when it's come to my marriage and, ultimately, my divorce I've had that splashed over magazines where I don't want them to be.

"Maybe I need to take a break..." I say

"And let the internet and their keyboard warriors win? Since when have you ever done that? Besides, you've got more projects coming your way. You're in demand Fal".

Yeah, but for how long?

We get to the hotel and I change out of my outfit, throwing myself onto the bed and wanting so desperately to scream into my pillow. I've managed to avoid crossing paths with Chris all these years for fear of something like this happening, and now it has the pain is very real for us both, even if we managed to hide it earlier when all eyes were on us.

I take out my phone and as expected, the tweets, Instagram comments and articles are popping up.

Wow! Didn't even know they dated! They make such a hot couple. One person comments on a tweet that has the clip of us talking about dating.

Ok, I know they broke up years ago, but anyone else twig the chemistry between Chris Evans and Fallon St James earlier? The way he looked at her as she was talking, he was hanging on her every word 😍

Geez, she really made a mistake with that one, it's obvious she's the one who left him 😒

He was quick to say that they weren't engaged! 😬 what if they actually were though! 😬😬😬

How can they even sit next to one another and talk/joke about it so casually? 💀 I'd be dying inside!

Can you imagine if they got back together after this? They're both single, fate!

Nope not fate, just a fucked up situation that we both had to dive head first into.

I have to put the phone down and snuggle into bed, hoping that people will now get bored and move on.

As for moving on for me? It's soon going to be clear enough that it won't be happening, not with what 'fate' has in store for me.

Sparks (Chris Evans x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora