Chapter 6

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Sanjana's P.O.V.
I'm back in the Uni after 3 days of leave and currently sitting in the second last row. Our classes are big halls with large benches arranged at consecutive heights just like stairs.

Ms. Edwards was teaching us. Her lectures are always filled with boring and monotonous talks.

"Hey Sanj!" I heard someone whispering from behind me. I looked around and it was Dan.

"What?" I whispered.

"Where were you these many days?"

Like seriously? He couldn't ask me this before the lecture? This boy is just ridiculous!

"I was...."

"Ms. Ramamutty!" Ms. Edwards said aloud and I was alarmed. I quickly snapped my head to her direction.

"Its Ramamurthy!" I said.

What's with these people and our Indian names?

"What do you think you were doing a while ago?" She asked in a stern tone. I don't know why does she hate me. I always score good in her subject.

"Sorry ma'am!" I looked down.

She shook her head and continued her lecture. Just after 2 mins the bell rang and the class was dismissed.

"Dan, you lameass! Couldn't you wait until the end of the lecture?" I snapped his head real hard.

"Fúck! Your hand hurts on me." He groaned.

"Boo!" Somebody pushed me and I tripped on my foot but didn't fall. That idiot must be Mia!

"Hey! Hey! How are you lovely people?" She hugged us.

"My ass! I was just about to fall." I hissed while Dan laughed.

"Aww I missed you too babe!" She tilted her head to a side.

Let me tell you, these two people are my life. My best of friends. No matter how much I curse them, at the end of the day I know they would be always there for me.

"Yeah yeah!" I rolled my eyes playfully and giggled.

"Hii Dan!" She smiled at him.

"Hey!" He grinned.

This girl won't tell Dan about her feelings. When it comes to others she just helps them out quickly. Its been a year since she has this huge crush on Dan.

"So why didn't you come these past three days?" She asked as we collected our lunch trays and sat down on the chairs.

"I went to Bristol to visit my cousins with my mom."

"When I asked you the same question,I get snapped. Wow! So fair!" Dan said sarcastically.

"Why Sanj? That's rude." Mia commented.

"Mia!" I narrowed my eyes at her and she quickly understood what I meant. I would spill the beans to Dan and she doesn't want that. Her stupid rule that if boys approach first its safe. Rubbish!

"Because this piece of shit asked me in the middle of 'Ms Edwards' lecture." I said air quoting Ms. Edwards.

"Ohh! Then its perfect that you hit him." She agreed.

"Hey!" Dan was offended and he snapped her head. She returned it with a hit on his arm.

"Stop it! Ok! You win." He raised his hands up in surrender.

"That's like my boy!" She smirked and by the look on her face it seemed that she regretted saying that.

She's very carefree. Not afraid to talk to a single person, even if its a stranger. Almost the whole uni knows her. A very good friend I must say!

The Known StrangerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora