Everyone's Insane Here-..

Start from the beginning

"I SWE-"



"Oh, hey Slenderr-"

"Don't test me."

"I'm out, they just wanted me to record." I smiled under my mask as I pointed to Toby.

"You little..."

"Your fine, Black Heart. But Toby."

I waved smugly as I walked out of the kitchen and back out of the front door.

*About an hour later*

I was listening to my music, as I sat somewhat far away from the mansion, yet I could still hear the dumbasses.

"I said, CLEAN IT."

"It isn't my fault, Jeff started it!"

"No fucking way!"


I rolled my eyes and looked away from the mansion into the rest of the woods.

'Who-' I thought to myself.

I was a figure that... I swear I've seen before, but it was too dark to tell who exactly it was.

It couldn't be anyone from home, could it...?

Guess I was wrong, dead fucking wrong.

I paused my music and stood up.

"Who's there?" No response.

"I said, who's. There?!" Still nothing..

I started to back up from whatever, or whoever was there.

It ignored me and just continued moving closer.

"Could you leave me the hell alone?? I don't even know how you found me!"

I noticed something in the figure's hand, was it a knife... Or a gun? I couldn't tell-.

Almost as soon as I did, it started running after me, and I took off towards the mansion to get someone's attention.

I opened the door, and quickly slammed it closed, holding myself against it.

"What was that??"

"I'll go look, Toby, stay here."

"Don't gotta tell me twice!"

I was struggling to hold it closed, as I saw Clockwork walk into the room.

"Anyone he-"

"Black Heart?!"

"What happened?!" She asked as she ran over to me to help keep the door closed.

"I don't know who this fucker is, it might be one of my parents.. I don't know! Help pleasee-." I explained, looking panicked.

"Alright, I'll go get the others, stay here!"

"I'll try!"

And she ran off.

I could hear someone banging against the door, and I could barely hold it closed.

"Come on!"

"What does Black Heart need help w-"

I panicked.

"One, how did they find them, and two how did they find US?!"

"You think I know?!"

They almost started arguing, but that got interrupted when the door blew open and I fell forward.

"Black Heart!"

I looked up at everyone as the person picked me up by the stomach, and started running off into the woods.

I tried to move and find a way out, but it was no use...

 looked behind me to see my father carrying me out of the woods.

"I knew downloading Life360 was a good idea, now we can get out of here bitch!"

I screamed as loud as I could; "HELP!!!!"

And I put my hand out and closed my eyes as tight as I could.

And someone grabbed it, I wasn't looking... But someone grabbed my hand.

I quickly opened my eyes, to see everyone running after me, and...

[Short chapter, but cliffhangers huh? XD, have fun~ See y'all later lmao- -Clay from ATS]

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