But it still looked vicious. In fact even more so. Its determination to capture and eat me was overwhelming, and I had a feeling that it wasn't going to give up. The only way I would be able to be safe was for this thing to die.

As if the man upstairs had heard me, the sound of a helicopter came from above me. A plan started to formulate in my head.

I flew up to the flying vehicle's height and stopped to wait for the monster to catch up. It was struggling to get higher, but it pounded its wings furiously, meeting me at where I was hovering. I didn't know if the creature was able to feel emotions, but something almost resembling triumph seemed to form on its features. It thought it had won.

It prepared to attack, lifting its wings and claws. But it didn't notice the helicopter that was heading straight for us until it was too late. Right before the monster pounced, I flew down. Exactly at that moment the helicopter slammed into it, causing black goo to ooze out of the monster.

The creature's body rolled up the side and made contact with the propellers.

I looked away as its screams echoed through the air and its body was torn into pieces.
The helicopter flew away, but the people inside it could be heard from a mile, screaming loudly at what they had just witnessed.

I looked down at the ground to see a few houses and trees.

    And it was at that moment that my brain decided to remind me that I was terrified of heights.

Suddenly I forgot how to fly. Which was a weird thought, since last I checked, humans couldn't fly.

I fumbled through the air, making noises that shouldn't be possible for any human to make and landed on the leaves of one of the trees, tumbling through the branches. The weird feeling washed over me again, and I found myself changing back to my skinny short self. I fell on the grass and groaned.

The air was knocked out of me, causing me to desperately gasp for air. The cold air burned my throat, and I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. I felt paralyzed and didn't want to move from my position, but I needed to get inside before I froze.

Trying as hard as I could, I worked my way up to my feet. Everything ached so badly, and I kept shaking and shaking.

I stumbled to a road that I saw through the trees. The streetlight shined on me, making me immediately retreat back to the shadows. From there I observed the green sign.

Wait, I know this road...

It was the road that led straight to my house.

How convenient.

I followed it, making sure I stayed hidden in the forest. Occasionally a car would pass by, causing me to quickly duck behind a bush. My teeth chattered and I was convinced that any longer out here would result in me having frostbite.

Every step I took would cause pain throughout my body, but I carried on. Soon enough, I started to see the outline of my small house. It was situated across the street.

Making sure nobody was around to see me, I sprinted, albeit painfully, across the road and stopped beside the house.

I made my way around to where my window was, flinching when the house light shined down on me, exposing where I was.

When I reached my window, I quietly attempted to open it up. My muscles felt too weak to do anything, but somehow I managed to open it enough to slip through.

I used my right hand to pull myself up, and immediately collapsed on it, muffling a cry.

Idiotically, I had used the arm that had been scratched by the monster. I looked at the wound. Three semi deep gashes extended down my arm, one even reaching down my wrist and palm of my hand. I should be glad that the creature's claws had missed an artery.

Hybrid: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now