Your first step ( part 2)

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Joseph: " ok y/n you can do this!" holly was crouching down to your level holding your hands trying to teach you how to walk, holly was persistent on teaching you how to walk and she wasn't gonna stop until she does because that's what big sisters are for! " cmon y/n you got it just stand up and walk with me~" after holly got you to stand up she held your hands and started to walk backward with you. At first, you weren't moving but after a while, you started walking of course with holly's help. " Yes! there you go now when I let go don't fall ok? just keep going" When holly let go you stood there and wobbled for a minute but then you actually started walking towards her! " AHHH Y/N!" holly screamed while jumping up and down but her scream didn't go unheard because the next thing you knew your dad came into holly's playroom screaming " HOLY MOLY HOLLY WHAT HAPPENED!" as soon as you saw Joseph you sat down immediately because in your eyes joseph wasn't worthy enough to see you walk just yet. " DADDY! y/n was walking, go on show him y/n!" but you didn't budge you just sat there looking up into space while sucking on your thumb. 

" Holly are you sure she was walking because right now she's just spacing out" holly crossed her arms tears threatening to spill from her eyes. " No! daddy I'm sure and I even helped her!" you looked back at holly and saw how upset she was and you didn't want to be the reason she was so upset too you took matters into your own hands and stood up now catching the attention of both holly and joseph. " LOOK DADDY LOOK!" Holly squealed with joy while watching you stand. And with that you started walking towards holly again and when you reached her she picked you up and gave you a big bear hug. " well well well holly you were right, I'm sorry y I doubted you honey" joseph blushed while looking away. " aww it's ok daddy at least you got to see her in action but now we HAVE to show mommy!". "well cmon my little princesses what are we waiting for!" Joseph then both you up and took you to see Suzie.

Jotaro: ( Forgot to say this but Jotaro's wife died during birth, why? Because I'm too lazy to put her in the story) Again the crusaders came over to see how you were keeping up since the last time they saw you was when you were left on Jotaro's front doorstep. Now you were one and at this time joylne has been teaching you how to walk, well trying too. " oh I can't wait to see little y/n again, kakyoin your so lucky you live down the street from Jotaro you get to see little y/n every day!" polnareff was dying to see you again he's heard stories from jotaro and kakyoin of how much you've grown up and now he's finally gonna see you with the rest of the crusaders. " now polnareff me and avdol haven't been able to see her either I mean I've been so busy with real-estate and Suzie and avdol with his business I mean we all want to see her-" Joseph was cut off by the door being swung open by joylne. " YAY  great-grandpa Jospeh and uncles are here!" Joylne ran up to Joseph and he picked her up and swung her around. " oh joylne look how much you've grown you remind me so much of holly when she was young!".

Joseph sat her down and she started walking to the living room. " cmon dad and y/n are waiting in the living room" with that being said polnareff bolted in the living room seeing you on your playmate and jotaro and the couch jotaro was about to greet him but polnareff cut him off.  "mademoiselle!" he then scooped you up and started to dance around with you being a giggly mess. "Polnareff! you are so careless you have to be gentle with her, but she does seem to enjoy the attention". after polnareff was done playing with you he sat you back down on your mat and greeted jotaro. "well grandson how have you been keeping up?".   "pretty good but I can't believe how it's been a year since we found her" Jotaro couldn't help but chuckle when he saw joylne trying to help you walk, I mean who wouldn't? " I see joylne has been trying to help little y/n walk huh?" avdol also couldn't believe how fast you've grown the man couldn't wait to read your palms.

"Yeah since y/n had turned 1 every time I visit joylne has been trying to help y/n walk, I even tried to help but it just doesn't seem like y/n's ready yet" kakyoin was rooting for you along with joylne but every time they tried you either cry look off into space or just crawl away for them, you were a very stubborn baby. " Daddy! cmon you haven't tried to help y/n why don't you try!?" Jotaro sighed while getting up from the couch and sat in front of you. " I know what will make her start walking" he then pulled out a dollar and waved in front of your face, this caught your attention real quick and you started babbling while making grabby hands.

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