First words

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(since I uploaded twice this month I most likely won't post till Christmas, so just a heads up)

Jonathan: Your first word was monkey since that was your favorite toy after all

Joseph: Your first word was holly since you loved her so much and she is basically your best friend

Jotaro: Your first word was money and daddy since you were basically begging your dad for some money. What can I say you cherish your money.

Jouske: Like in the last chapter your first words were No and carrots since you hate carrots so much.

Giorno: Your first word was uncle orange since narancia says it so much when you are around him you got used to hearing it so now that's what you call him and oh boy mista, fugo, and giorno are jealous.

Jolyne: Your first words were daddy since you loved and cherished him so much and he always protected you from Jotaro whenever you saw your scary Grandpa.

( I was sure was right because an hour after I posted my other chapter we had already made it to 300 reads! I can't wait to see how many people have read this by the time I post a chapter for Christmas!)

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