Chapter 421: Hijacking

Start from the beginning

Naturally there were also the former rebel group who wanted to travel on a different world as experience, but since they were not having a picnic this operation, their notion were also shut down. Due to that Aileen, Argos, Fengris, and Belial (Ingrid's compromise) were then chosen to be the guys to travel with Calamity for this tracking operation. With all four strong people going, troubles in their way would naturally be nothing towards them.

However Since Belial was back in the Demon continent on Ingrid's world, Aileen would need to fetch him first and explain the situation before they could go. Throughout their preparation, the rest of the guys then begun to prepare the group for any contingencies along the way, As for Sui, she just pouted on the side after being held back for this operation.

Soon after Belial then finally arrived with Aileen as he already got informed of this situation, in fact he still couldn't believe Kaido's luck of being ejected away. But since this was an opportunity to see the other plains, he naturally couldn't let this opportunity pass by him.

With everyone gathered, Calamity then begun expanding her mana to the farthest reaches of it and begun scanning any signs of summoning happening that coincides to the direction where she found Kaido's trace. As she begun to gather mana towards her, the space surrounding them also begun to distort as the whole world itself shook in fear of her presence. After all the moment she used her powers, her concealment then finally broke apart as she revealed her existence to the whole world.

In that short span numerous accidents and events happened through the world. The magnetic field of the world were going crazy, storm clouds kept appearing and disappearing above the pacific ocean, numerous quakes simultaneously happening all around the world, multiple volcanoes begun showing signs of erupting, Ice starting to envelope the dessert, sand begun to appear in the arctic areas, plants started to grow in size, whirlpool begun appearing at the Atlantic, birds begun to loose their way in the air, and etc. all the apocalyptic signs begun  to appear just by Calamity revealing her presence.

Such phenomenon really put justice to her name.

Soon after she then found the summoning phenomenon which coincides to her target direction as she then transported everyone with just a snap of her finger. But the moment she left, all the events and phenomenon around the world also begun to cease to exist at her own absence to their world.


Light illuminated the whole area, tall pillars similar to Greek architecture can be found rotated around the room in order to support its roof. Ten magicians encircling the summoning circle can be found currently chanting a spell which distort space around the target center area. About 30 knight soldiers are guarding around the room in order to provide its security, and a group of five people are huddled at the entrance of the room wearing garbs and fancy clothing symbolizing status.

To be precise the 5 people in the room are the royal family of the castle consisting of 1 king, 1 queen, 2 prince, and 1 princess who is the youngest among them.

The moment the huge magic circle begun showing signs of events, the head magician in the group quickly backed away the royal family as he quickly alerted everyone in the room.

"The summoning is success! something is coming! everyone! get ready!"

Following the heed of his words, everyone in the room became alerted as they showed their stern expression and seriousness in order to give out the vibe of the direness of the situation.

Soon after a huge group of people were then transported inside the magic circle consisting of about 53 people in total coming from unknown to the locals of this fantasy world. Just by looking at the transported groups clothes, their clothes are quite similar to each other symbolizing that everyone is wearing a uniform in the same organization or place they are situated at.

I'll Become a Villain in my Next Life Part 3 Volume 8 (Two Worlds)Where stories live. Discover now