Chapter 421: Hijacking

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Hijacking is an act which intervenes towards the process of delivering the finished product or expected result. This act is mostly seen being done through the use of web or throughout the underworld connection. This time however, what Calamity just proposed was an act of intervening a summoning process which would transfer them to a place far distant than their own.

For an entity of her class hijacking a summoning process is nothing but a child's play, after all the initiator of such process are non-other than humans who are ranked as a lower being than the gods themselves, and gods themselves are lower beings than the entity. Take note that the reason one is called an entity, is because such a person was out of the control of common sense, thus they ranked higher than gods.

Unfortunately no matter what anyone says, Calamity's proposal was much more plausible way of traversing the long distance of Kaido's traces to them without exhausting themselves in the process. The only downside are its pitstops in numerous worlds.

"Hijacking maybe plausible if you want to conserve your strength when traversing long distance planet... Since our science still has no capability to utilize nuclear energy as a fuel to travel between spaces using wormhole, reference to numerous space movies.... this is the only choice we have to actually get to where Kaido's traces are" commented by Endou

"He's right! space manipulation is one of the 5 major attribute that are hard to control alongside destruction, transmigration, time, and soul... just by wielding one of the five is already a burden, much more using it... unless your a higher being than the dimension of our reality, then easily manipulating this five major attribute are all but impossible" added by Aileen

"Alright! we got our ways, but how can make sure that we wont lose our way throughout the process?, after all traveling through space continuously may result to us missing our own steps, thus getting lost" asked by Argos

"... I think i can do something about that, i can make a type of tracking beacon in a form of a wrist watch in order to keep track of your whereabouts, however i can only track you so much as long your not out of my range" answered by Endou

"And how far is that?" asked by Homura completely intervening between the conversation

"... Somewhere around what the current progress in science can reach" said by Endou sheepishly

Hearing his words, all of the people who learned about the current update on space exploration through the web couldn't help but gave a sigh of dejection as such distance wouldn't still be able to keep track on the traversing group. After all based on what Calamity said, Kaido himself was way far out of the galaxy and unto another one.

Thus without further ado, Endou's idea was immediately shut down even before he managed to implement it. With that they spent the rest of the earlier morning discussing such topic to the point that they will have no choice but to leave beacons from their different pitstop world through the use of their own unique mana signature. As long as they keep track on their unique mana signature, they then wouldn't get lost on  their travel.

After finishing that part, they then begun discussing about who will go with Calamity and who will stay. This time since the discussion held an even greater importance, none of the guys were able to resist on hearing them out, due to that Rebecca, Ingrid, and Melfina submitted their absent slip towards their superior through mail in order to take absence for such important discussion.

Since they were deliberating on who will go, Melfina herself also wanted to come but was immediately shut down due to her guarding assignment. Even Sui wanted to come, but since there is un known danger to this operation, she was then forcefully held back by Ingrid herself.

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