| Different Breed |

777 11 5

Male x Reader
Y/n - your name


I tapped on the glass covering of my rolex, impatiently. Work has plagued me all day. My mind races with endless tasks of meetings, paperwork, and more. I needed to relax. A man like me could look to many things for relaxation, especially because we can afford it, however, I'm a simple man; if I can throw you around a little, and make you my little toy, that's an instant high for me.

I entered the high class bar, Shivers, that had a new club installed about a week ago. There were a lot more people there now, but I continue to sit in my same spot that I have always sat in. I scanned the room slowly as I sipped lightly on my cognac that was immediately served to me by a pretty female bartender.

Usually, a male of my caliber would search and chase after a women of great femininity, tonight was no exception. However, the game changed a bit when my eyes landed upon a young woman who does not meet the standards of an elegant lady, except she may be even a bit "rough around the edges" as some like to say.

"I didn't ask you to buy my drink, but thanks anyway." She muttered with an irritated expression, however, her attitude seemed very casual for her.

She may not be very ladylike, but she certainly is a very pretty and alluring woman. I studied closely at her interaction with a skinny, weak man who was trying so desperately to have a drink with her.

"Come on. You're so hot-" he slurred as he pulled at her arm. My eye twitched in annoyance at the desperate begging of this guy.
"I already told you, I'm not interested." She snapped at him as she yanked her arm from his grip.

A slight smirk tugged at my lips when hearing her firm tone of voice. I began to question my effectuation with this woman, she was no where near what I would call feminine or elegant. She wore baggy black pants that hung slightly off of her waist and a tight black crop top that firmly framed her shapely breasts. Her hair was tied up into a fan bun with a flew flying strands of hair along her face and neck. She equipped very very light makeup, a soft dusting of black around the eyes and a light red lip.

Not elegant, but enticingly rough.

I decided to approach the situation ahead of me as it had only escalated by now.

She became more aggressive by pushing the drunkard away from her.
"Fuck off will you!" She spat out with a scolding look on her face.

"You don't need to be such a fucking bitch!" He yelled in return, reaching for her arm, but before he could, I reached at his. I grabbed his arm before he could try and land his hand on her.

"Excuse me. Sorry to interrupt, but I'm pretty sure this young lady told you to fuck off." I spoke sternly as I glared into the smaller man's eyes. He frowned at me as he tried to yank his arm from my grip, which he failed greatly at.

"Dude! Let go of me!" He grunted as he tried to push against me.
"Leave her alone? Yes?" I growled as I tightened my grip painfully around his arm. He gave me another small glare before finally gaining enough strength in his puny little body to pull his arm from my grip. Lastly, he let out a small grunt before walking away with a terrible attitude. I stared him down as he stomped away before her surprised eyes caught my attention.

She cleared her throat as she rubbed her arm, trying to not make direct eye-contact with me. I could see she was mildly embarrassed.

"Are you alright?" I calmly asked her whilst leaning on the high table beside me.

"Y-yeah. I guess now since that pathetic excuse for a human is finally gone, I suppose I'm alright now." She scoffed, giving me a sly glance over.

"Well- you can't expect much from an angry drunk- maybe he's better when he is sober." I stated and felt more relieved once she cracked a small smile at my satirical joke.

"Yeah- maybe." She scoffed with a smirk, her eyes catching mine into an engaging gaze. She eyed me down and up quickly. I could feel the lustful vibe radiating off of her. Maybe she's warming up to me.

"May I politely buy you a drink?" I asked with a gentle smile and a soft gaze, focused on only her. Her eyes scanned my face for a few seconds, I furrowed my brows when noticing the lack of interest on her countenance.

"Uhm- I appreciate the kind gesture you did, but I'm going to have to decline." She replied with a soft voice, inhaling her lips.

I cleared my throat, my throat tightening from the rejection I just experienced. I took a deep shakey breath as I composed myself.
"Fine. No drinks. We could just talk, if you don't mind." I offered and she omitted a little snicker as she closed her eyes.

"Can I ask a question?" She requested as she looked me dead in the eyes with her pretty (your eye color) ones. I raised my eyebrows in acknowledgement as I gave her a nod to go ahead and ask.

"Why do a man like you wish to talk to me? You fancy me or something?" She asked and now it was my turn to crack a small chuckle.

"I- I find you very alluring, yes." I replied, honest and straightforward.

I could see a soft tinge of red grow under the skin of her smooth cheeks. She played innocently with the flyaway strands of her hair.

"You're clearly of higher class, sir." she stated once she noticed my rolex which clinged to my wrist.
"I'm sure you have plenty of other charming ladies who would like to talk with you." she inferred with a confused look.

"Well, I'm one who likes to explore and discover new things~" I stated, my voice deepening deliberately. I leaned in subtly closer to her, my mouth a breath away from her reddened ears.

"Heh- how rude of you to refer to me as a thing." She scoffed, her face becoming increasingly redder.
"You know good and well that that is not what I'm implying here. Also, there is no need for you to be formal with me." I addressed her before holding my hand out to give her a firm handshake.

She accepted my handshake and I responded with a toothy smile.
"My name is Markus. You are-" I dragged out until she caught the memo.
"I'm Y/n." She replied, the way her name rolled off of her tongue, as if she was her own boss, sent an arousing heat down my spine.

"It is such a pleasure to meet you, Y/n." I spoke with a low tone, my primal instincts becoming rather intense.

She gave me a lewd smirk, her eyes meeting with mine as she fidgeted with her fingers.
"I'd like to take that drink now." She suggested and I gave a quick nod before alerting the bartender.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2022 ⏰

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