On Stream

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ship: beomhyun

contains: taegyu as exs / domestic violence / parental abuse / past trauma / anger issues / kissing / video game streaming / little space / thn is a little / PTSD / kinda toxic because they both of past issues but its okay / TW: happy relationships

"hi guys" Beomgyu smiles waving at the camera "so today im doing a speedrun of resident evil revalations obviously jump scare warning and yea lets get started" he said his eyes lighting up as he started the game on his pc

The graphics werent that good but the gameplay was alright and Beomgyu overplayed his reactions to the jumpscares so him playing horror games was always amusing

"Beomgyu say— hey dont type dirty stuff in the chat, ill ban you" he warned glaring at the camera "i need to hire a better mod what the hell" he muttered

About half way through the stream Beomgyus phone rang "unknown number" he said putting his phone down

the comments flooded with people telling him to answer it

"you guys want me to answer it?" Beomgyu said reading the comments "alright" he shrugged pressing the accept button and putting the call on speaker

"hyung" cries could be heard through the phone "hyung im so sorry p-please"

Beomgyus face paled and he ended the call before ending the stream

Fans quickly took to twitter seeing a translation account had posted the conversation

🧸unknown number
💬answer it!!!
👤hyung, hyung im sorry please
🧸*ends call and stream*

the comments on the post were speculating who called and what was happening

@/thnn it kinda sounds like the streamer tyunnie
@/gyyyu why would he be crying though???
@/1bamtori how do they even know eachother
@/bgyuuu did something happened between them???

twitter was blowing up with speculations and Beomgyu was panicked but before anything else he went to Taehyun

"Taehyun let me in" he said knocking on the youngers front door "goddamit Taehyun answer the fucking door I know youre in here"

The door opened but it wasnt Taehyun, it was his father

"is Taehyun home?" Beomgyu asked annoyed, Taehyuns father never liked him but the feeling was mutual the bastard hit Taehyun so there was never a chance of Beomgyu even trying to get along with him

"i thought i told your faggot ass to leave my son alone" Taehyuns dad said as he tried to slam the door shup but Beomgyu quickly grabbed it and swung it open, throwing a punch to Taehyuns father who tried to push him out the hit landing on his face, and walking away to Taehyuns room

"hyungie" Taehyun sobbed seeing Beomgyu

"whats wrong taehyunnie what happened? tell hyungie" Beomgyu asked softly knowing Taehyun was most likely in his headspace

"h-he hit taehyunnie a-and said mean things" Taehyun sobbed

"im sorry taehyunnie" Beomgyu whispered rubbing Taehyuns back soothingly

"taehyunnies sorry for bothering hyungie– 'know hyungie dont wanna see taehyunnie" Taehyun sniffled

"youre not bothering hyungie dont worry hyungie will always be here for you no matter what happens between him and big Taehyun" Beomgyu assures the little

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