Chapter 1: Terror in Transia

Start from the beginning

In the far distance, the glowing eyes of The Watcher was faintly visible, looking down upon them.

The Watcher: (Narrating) I know what you're thinking. How did this happen? How did we get here? Well, to do that, I have to take you way back to a whole different universe. You all probably know the story. Some time ago, I showed you a universe where Janet Van Dyne encountered a virus when she got stuck in the Quantum Realm.

The Watcher: When Doctor Hank Pym and his allies, Ant-Man and The Wasp, tried to save her, she returned to Earth and began infecting every single person on the planet with a zombie-like virus, including its heroes ("What If" episode 5)

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The Watcher: When Doctor Hank Pym and his allies, Ant-Man and The Wasp, tried to save her, she returned to Earth and began infecting every single person on the planet with a zombie-like virus, including its heroes ("What If" episode 5).

The Watcher: When the multiversal war finally arrived, a variant of Kang the Conqueror arrived with his army from the 31st century and sought to take over that world (Read Avengers: Incursion War), but he was quickly overrun by billions of the inf...

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The Watcher: When the multiversal war finally arrived, a variant of Kang the Conqueror arrived with his army from the 31st century and sought to take over that world (Read Avengers: Incursion War), but he was quickly overrun by billions of the infected and they got killed within minutes. These "zombies" then stole his time platform and all of his advanced technology and used it to discover the multiverse. They then travelled from universe to universe, killing everything that moves, then taking off to the next universe, then the next, and the next... and Now they finally found yours... and they haven't eaten... In days...

New York

Logan AKA The Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) was minding his own business as usual, drinking clean shots of whiskey when something disturbing slowly walked into the bar. Everybody screamed and ran out in panic except for Logan. He was more annoyed than anything else as he slowly turned around, looking at the zombie in front of him.

Wolverine: You gotta be shittin me...

The zombie started to run toward him but Logan immediately sliced its head off with his metal claws. He then heard people scream in terror outside the bar. When he got outside he saw multiple zombies in the streets, infecting anyone they bite. A few meters above the street there was a small purple dimensional opening (Like in Spider-Man: No Way Home but a lot smaller). The zombies seemed to appear out of the portal one by one.

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