100 years...

769 19 6

(Y/n)'s POV:

On my way to a village, I spotted three travelers getting attacked by Lynel. I immediately urge Sterling to run while I got my bow and arrows ready.

The Lynel roars as it raise its weapon to deal the final blow and just before the Lynel could swing its weapon, I quickly knock an arrow and it soon flew through the air piercing its eye, dealing lots of damage as well as making the Lynel reel back as it screeches.

A traveler who had fallen down quickly took that chance to scurry up and back to his group, although with a hint of limping. Once reunited, they hug each others in relief before they look towards the Lynel upon hearing Sterling neigh.

I pull at the string once more before releasing it, the arrow fly and hit its target which result the Lynel to screech once more.

I put away their bow before jumping off the still running horse. After the landing, I swiftly bolted towards the Lynel with a knight's sword I found. The Lynel also charges and just as it was going to ram me over, I parry it with my shield effectively knocking the Lynel back as well as causing it to become disoriented. Taking that golden chance, I unleash a furry of attacks before sending the sword towards its chest to finish it off. The Lynel was successfully defeated but at the cost of a sword which left a bitter taste in my mouth,"God damn, it was a good sword too... Whatever, let's make up for it with this one." I swept up the Lynel's weapon as a replacement.

I hear a loud gasp which prompt me to look over at the three travelers, who stares in awe. I approach them before pulling down my hylian hood, "Are you all ok?" they became agitated upon seeing me which made sense, since I've been known as some sort of local hero so to speak. "Y-Yes! We're fine! Though my friend here sprained his ankle. But thank you so much! We thought we were goners!" one of the traveler exclaimed with gratitude whilst supporting his friend with a sprained ankle. "It's going to get dark soon. It'd be best that we get to a village before then as it'll also help find treatment for your friend's ankle. Come with me, I know a village nearby." I informed them then whistle to call back Sterling. Sterling arrived with a huff. I caresses his muzzle before helping the injured traveler mount on top and then we begin our trek towards the village.



"(Y/n)! You came! Will you stay for a couple of days?!" a young boy along with a few other kids greeted me upon my arrival. I chuckle and ruffle the boy's hair which elicit a giggle, "I can't unfortunately, I got places to be tomorrow." I informed apologetically and the boy pouted, "Aw, me and the others we're looking forward to playing with you along with hearing your stories..." A mix of sigh and a chuckle escapes me as I look at his pouty face. I crouch to his level and lightly pinch his cheek, "I promise to play and tell you stories on my next visit. Ok, Taveh?" his frown slowly turned into a meek smile as he nodded. "(Y/n)! You brought friends?" this time a young girl exclaimed which I simply shrug, "You could say that. Though, I have to bring them to get treatment now. So, I'll see you all around. Oh! And don't play outside the village when it's dark." the kids exclaimed with a collective yell of agreement. I chuckle and then proceed to head over where the doctor resides.

"You probably have heard this numerous times but thank you so much! You're a hero!" the three travelers thanked me once more to which I wave it off, "Don't sweat it. I'm simply helping out a fellow traveler."

With that said, the doctor guide them inside and I bid them goodbye. Soon I left to wander around the village to gather material for my trip. After all, it'll roughly take the night and early afternoon till I get there.

After purchasing some bomb arrows with two bonus buddle of thunder arrows from the owner as a gift, I walk out of the shop and towards Sterling which I stationed by a tree. Sterling briefly stop munching on his hay to softly whine at my arrival and nudge my side as I strap on all the things I've purchased. I then took a moment to observe the villagers tending to their tasks, "Man, I'd love to stay just to hangout about and all but we have to go or else we won't make it on time..." I mindlessly spoke.

Timeless (Legend of Zelda) (Yandere Aoc and Botw various x Botw reader)Where stories live. Discover now