Day Of College

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On the day I was going to college, my alarm went off at 5am. I sat up in bed, slapping the alarm clock a few times before it finally shut off. I got out of bed, dragging my feet to the closet, and standing infront of it helplessly. After 30 minutes of standing infront of my closet, I finally picked out an outfit, and walked out my room and to my bathroom. I closed the door behind me, putting on the outfit and looking in the mirror. 

Putting my usual make up on, I hummed excitedly while doing a little happy dance with my hips and legs

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Putting my usual make up on, I hummed excitedly while doing a little happy dance with my hips and legs. I walked out the bathroom, backing up all my stuff and grabbing my phone before leaving. Since I couldn't bike to the college with all my bags, I decided to order myself a cab and figured I'd come back to get my bike tomorrow.

At The College

I went to the front desk, setting all my bags down while waiting for a Staff/Faculty to show up. About 5 minutes later, a short lady with red hair and freckles appeared, smiling warmly at me. " Hello dear! Are you here for your dorm key? " She smiled. She looked to be in her 30's, but I wasn't jumping to conclusions. " Uhmm.. Yes! I am! " I chuckled softly, rubbing the back of my neck. " Name? " The red head spoke, tapping away on the keyboard while looking at the computer screen. " Y/n Shigiraki. " I looked around the office, smiling. I can tell just by the way the office looks that this school is going to be amazing. " 3rd floor, room 207B! " She smiled, hanging me a key with a little note that said 207B. " Thank you Miss! " I smiled, taking the key and my bags, and walking out to the dormitory. Once I entered my dorm room, I was hit by a cold breeze that took my breath away for a second. I walked inside, arranging my stuff around and set up the room. The end results were absolutely stunning, but I only had 30 minutes left until my first class, so I might as well start walking. 

As I walked down the hallway, I could feel multiple pairs of eyes on me, and that made me a little self-conscious

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As I walked down the hallway, I could feel multiple pairs of eyes on me, and that made me a little self-conscious. I just picked up the pace and walked as quickly as I could so I could get to class without any problems. " Y/NNNN!!~ " A female voice shouted, as it seemed to be getting closer. I turnt around to see Himiko and Akiiro running towards me with wide smiles. " Guys! " I shouted, running towards them. They pulled me into a tight hug, and rocked side to side. " I never knew you were attending this college?! " Himiko exclaimed, pulling away as so did Akiiro. " What class do you have?! " Himiko gasped, genuinely curious. " I have.. " You pulled out a sheet of paper from your backpack and examined it for a second. " I have class 1B. " Looking up from my paper, I seen the two girls that looked like their puppy just died. " What..? " I mumbled, looking at them. " You're not in the same class as us.. " Akiiro whined, wiping invisible tears from her eyes. " But that's fine! Because you might be in one of our other classes! " Himiko giggled, patting Akiiros back as she sniffled dramatically. " Well guys, I have to go before I'm late. " I chuckled, waving good bye to them as I walked off again. After scanning the signs that hanged outside the classroom doors, I finally found it. " Ah! " I gasped, pushing the door open to see my new classmates acting a fool. I looked around, not to find the teacher anywhere. " Oh god.. " I whimpered under my breath, fiddling with the end of my jacket sleeves. I found an empty desk, 4 rows from the front of the class and sat down infront of a boy with jet black hair and a lot of purple burns. I peeked back at him, tilting my head. " Is he really sleeping in the beginning of class..? " I mumbled, squinting my eyes to make sure they weren't playing tricks on me. He suddenly opened his eyes and stared at me with a frown. " EH..?! " A squeak escaped my lips and silenced the entire class, turning everyone's attention towards me. I hid my face in embarrassment, shaking my head as the class was still dead silent. I slowly lifted my head up and found the reason why the class was still silent. The teacher had entered the room, and everyone was sitting down at their desks, acting like perfect angels. I let out a soft giggle at the sighting, covering my mouth with my jacket sleeve. " Alright, today we'll be introducing ourselves since it's everyone's first day in my class. " The tall man that stood infront of the class spoke up, his deep voice sending shivers down my spine. " Starting off with you. " He pointed at a boy who looked like a lizard that was sat in the front of class. The boy stood up, crossing his arms. " The name's Shuichi Iguchi, but my nick name is Spinner. " He huffed, rolling his eyes. His attitude was very pissy, but he was nice about introducing himself. About 14 minutes later, it was my turn to introduce myself, I felt my heart sink right into the pit of my stomach. I stood up, slowly walking to the front of class. I turned around to face everyone, and to my surprise everyone looked stunned after laying eyes on me. I scanned the crowd of seated boys, and girls just for my eyes to land on the same boy with purple burns. He didn't look like everyone else, and that made me feel a bit better. Atleast he wasn't staring at me like a creep, but he was still staring at me. 

College Drama ~ Toya Dabi x Fem! Reader ~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt