First Day!

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It's been a week since Kai got arrested, and life's been pretty boring since then. I wonder how he's been doing since that day..

Flashback : ( Chisaki POV )

I was causing ruckus in the town, fighting pro hero, Rock Lock. After using my quirk once, large spikes erupted from the ground and shot up all around me and Rock Lock. " Just give in, Ken.. you can't defeat me after my quirk is strong enough. " I grinned mischievously beneath my mask, holding up my hands like villains in those Novels when they're close to victory. And before I knew it, I was on the ground, surrounded by Pro Hero's and police.
But it wasn't long before my wrists were being locked into hand cuffs. Where the hell is Y/n..?! I thought to myself while being shoved into the cop car.

Back to The Present ; Y/n POV 

After reading the news, I realized that I didn't have to do dirty work anymore, and that I could live a normal life. I immediately grabbed my laptop and opened it to try and look for Colleges nearby. And after hours of searching, I finally found a college that I could attend, and the school year started up in about a week, so I had time to write my essay. I looked up at one of my posters and then back down at my laptop screen. I had to leave the fact that I was in a gang out of the essay. Shrugging, I closed my laptop and told myself that I would do it tomorrow when I get free time. 

The next day : 7am

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, telling me it was time to get up for work. I recently got a job at a cafe next to a College, and business was booming every day. I mean, those college kids really like their coffee, and I can't blame them. There's these two specific girls that come every day, and I kind of be-friended them I guess? I mean, if getting their phone numbers means we're friends, then I guess we're friends. The first day, I wasn't too fond of my job, but the second day when I met them, I've actually been excited to come to work every day. Andd.. since business is always booming, I get payed REALLY well! So that's another plus. I got out of bed, walking towards my closet to pick out an outfit. After digging through my closet for 30 minutes, I grabbed the uniform for the cafe and walked to my bathroom.

After putting the uniform on, I put on eye liner, mascara, and put high lighter on the corners of my eyes and the tip of my nose

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

After putting the uniform on, I put on eye liner, mascara, and put high lighter on the corners of my eyes and the tip of my nose. I modeled in front of the floor mirror, humming at the results before grabbing my brown, leather backpack, putting it on then grabbing my phone. I sprayed on perfume, then walked down stairs. " Bye Auntie! I love you~! " I called out to her, walking out the front door. I grabbed my bike out of the backyard, tossing my leg over then I started peddling down the road. I got to the cafe about 40 minutes later, since there was busy traffic. I guess everyone's going shopping for back to school clothes. I shrugged, putting my bike in the bike rack. I took my phone out my back pocket, then tapping on the screen while pursing my lips together while entering the cafe. " Ah! Y/n! Since you're here, how about you come help me with these Lattes?! " I heard my boss, Luni call out. I looked up at my boss, to see him smiling cheekily. " Coming!~ " I sighed, putting my phone in my back pocket, then walking behind the counter and putting on gloves. " Are you not going to put your apron on? You're going to spill something on your clothes! " Luni tilted his head while furrowing his brows, putting his hands on his hips. " No.... I'm going to trust myself not to make a mess today. " I huffed, adding creamer and whipped cream to a Vanilla Latte. I heard the bell that was attached to the door ring, so I called out without looking at the door. " Welcome to Moon-Light Cafe! I'll be with you in a moment! " I brought the Lattes to their assigned table, smiling. After cleaning up a few tables, I walked over to the people that just entered, to discover that they in fact, were College students. " What can I get you guys today? " I lifted my head from my notepad, looking at the girl. " Himiko?! " I squealed, smiling dorkishly. " Y/n! It's been forever since I seen you! " The blond girl with fangs exclaimed. " It's only been two days though..? " I shrugged, looking at her. " Well, you weren't here yesterday so it was boring since Akiiro couldn't come since she's sick. " She sighed dramatically, putting her and on her chest where her heart was located. I only hummed in response, looking at a male with medium length, pastel blue hair that's lips were crusty. " And who's this?~ " I teased, nudging her shoulder with my elbow. " Oh! This is Tomura- he's one of my friends! " She giggled, not getting the hint on what I was doing. " Alright, alright. What can I get you guys? " I chuckled, clicking my pen. " I'll take my usual! And he'll have the same! " Himiko spoke for her friend, continuing to giggle as he scratched his neck. " Alrighty you two! I'll have your Cappuccino's out in no time! " I clicked my tongue playfully, winking at my friend while walking away.

College Drama ~ Toya Dabi x Fem! Reader ~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن