Chapter 11 : Stormy desert?

Start from the beginning

"And you joined her?!" Icy yelled at the bathroom door, immediately followed by a fast click of the door being locked. "Y-yeah! What do you expect me to do? She asked...and she's the team leader you know? That's more like...a command!" Randy debated. "Well, as a matter of fact, I did spray water all over him, so he couldn't get out, it was a fun time though!"

"What else did you do last night?" Icy questioned. "Not much" I replied while Randy whistled innocently in the bathroom. "There's always a lot when you say that, Blossom" Icy stated. "Well, guess you're still the one that knows me the most, Icy," I said with a sigh, I could feel the heat creeping up my cheeks again. "N-nothing else! I only gave her a massage and nothing else!" Randy exclaimed frantically. "He also told me to lift my pajamas a bit to give me some belly rubs!" I added. "Belly rubs?!" Icy exclaimed. "Yep! They felt so good! I even fell asleep in the middle of the process!" I said with a grin. "B-Blossom! Y-you could've left that part out!"

"Any weird dreams last night?" I asked Randy as soon as he came out of the bathroom. "Nope, last night's sleep was comfy and extremely refreshing" he replied. "Perhaps because you were sleeping on your girlfriend's belly?" Icy teased, then I could feel my blush rising again while Randy's face flushed into a deep shade of red. "N-NO! My dreams are random! You can't just jump to those conclusions!" he yelled. "Well...if that's the case, you can sleep on my belly every night as long as you tell me before-paw" I whispered in his ear. "Thanks...but no thanks..."

"Oh, Randy~ you didn't deny the part about Blossom being your girlfriend though~" Icy sang. "H-huh?!" the two of us blushed again as we stared at each other awkwardly without saying a word. "I-I just..." Randy tried to come up with a sentence, but no words came out of his mouth when his mouth fell open. "I just forgot to deny it, alright?! AARGH! My brain is messed up and I can't think properly at all!" he yelled. "It's fine if Randy doesn't like me the way I like him, he just forgot" I chimed in. "I doubt that Blossom~ Randy's face says otherwise~" Icy chanted, but our conversation was interrupted by some knocking on the door. "Thank god, the saving grace"

"Hello?" a familiar voice called out from the door. "Kuro? What are you doing here?" Randy asked. "Well, you know there's a huge storm" his voice came from outside. "Isn't that why you shouldn't be here?" Icy asked. "It's boring to be alone in my tree, I can't talk to Duff either since he drilled deep underground to get away from the rain, so I came out for a walk, I'm also here to tell you that none of us are going on a rescue request today unless Ivy has a hole in her brain and decides to head out on her own"

"Oh, 'course it's boring, don't you agree guys? Come in, Kuro!" I exclaimed and opened the door. Rainy wind gushed in as Kuro rushed in and slammed the door shut, darting into the bathroom to give his soaking fur a quick clean-up. "Hey, Kuro! Haven't you heard of washing your paws before entering somemon's house?! Your pawprints are all over the floor!" Randy yelled and hurried to fetch a rug. "I thought guys didn't care so much about hygiene!" Kuro's voice came through the sound of the gushing sink water. "Says you, I'm the one doing the cleaning!" Randy yelled while Icy and I snickered. "It's fine, Kuro...he's only a bit tensed up by the topic we were focusing on before you came in," Icy said at the door. "Oh? What was the topic then?" Kuro asked curiously. "Nothing! Not anything important!"

"So what are you planning on doing here anyway?" Randy grumbled and tossed Kuro a towel to dry himself up after he was done with the cleaning. "Not much, just chilling" he replied. "What do you mean by chilling?" Icy asked. "It means being chill, say...nice air conditioner here, it's so stuffy out there," Kuro remarked. "Icy's mostly the air conditioner in here since she's way cooler than us" I explained. "Neat" Kuro muttered and walked around the place. "Ugh, just say what you're doing here" Randy barked, while Kuro ignored him and explored the house.

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