chapter 2

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Eddie and Evie were cuddling the guys were out doing their own thing then Evie got a call from Ruby, and she had her own solo mission.
Evie: Eddie i have a solo mission it might take me who knows how long but if anything happens to me, just know i will always love you.
Eddie: i will always love you no matter what i promise. Evie smiled and pulled out two necklaces and showed Eddie.
Evie: i got these for us.

Eddie: these are really cool

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Eddie: these are really cool.
Evie: the black one is yours and the silver one is mine so this way you have a piece of me with on your missions, i love you Eddie.
Eddie: i love you too now let's get you too your mission. Eddie drove Evie to the base and dropped her off then Evie went to a separate place for her and sat down, Allison noticed how nervous Evie was and talked to her.
Allison: you alright?
Evie: just nervous i never did a solo mission before. what game am i going into?
Ruby: some kind of Alien game that involves black aliens.
Evie: you mean Alien Isolation are you crazy there are Xenomorph's in that game!
Ruby: you can do this Evie the game is a little different you will be inside a temple not a space station. you ready for this cause i know your scared but you can do it. Evie nodded and went to do her mission.

*in the temple*

as soon as Evie entered the temple she heard something and turned around only to see nothing, then took a deep breath and continued there was a hissing sound behind her and she got caught. Evie screamed and Ruby tried to contact her but no response.
Ruby: oh god she's captured what are we going to do?!
Allison: i don't know but this mission is going to take two months have Bravo team find her now! Bravo team went in to find Evie but they couldn't find her. it turned out the mission had taken longer than expected Allison went to go get Alpha Team and they heard the news.
Eddie: how could you let my girlfriend get captured! Eddie was about to attack Allison but the guys all held him back.
Buck: Eddie breath we will find her now relax we just got back on the job now you relax, and focus on saving your girl! the guys all got ready and went into the game and went to find Evie.
Tommy: worried about her?
Eddie: of course i am she's my girlfriend (picks up charm) before she disappeared Evie gave me this necklace, every time i look at i think of her smile.
Mason: we'll get her back i promise. the guys all went inside the temple and shot down the Xenomorph's that got in their way.

Eddie: ugly sons of bitches when i find Evie i am going to slay the queen, for taking Evie i made a promise to her and i'm keeping it. no one hurts my girl! they all fought through the aliens and found something on the ground.
Buck: hey Eddie recognize this? Eddie walked over and saw it was Evie's necklace, Eddie took it from Buck and held close to him and put it in his pocket he continued to follow Ruby's directions and they found the nest.
Ruby: now be quiet guys according to Evie this things have heightened hearing so don't make a sound or your dead.
Buck: don't have to tell me twice i hate these things.
Tommy: we need to be careful after we deal with the queen finding Evie will be the main priority. they all heard a bigger hiss and saw the queen they shot at her Eddie told Buck to give him a bomb and he threw it under her and the guys took cover, and she exploded the team came out and saw Xeno guts every where.
Ruby: careful guys the blood is acidic one touch and it's gonna hurt like hell.

the team went to find Evie and when they made it to the nest they saw Evie covered in saliva, Eddie ran over to her and used an
x - ray scope to make sure nothing was inside her. Tommy ran over and gave him a knife so he could cut her out Mason and Buck got her down and Eddie carried her out of the temple Eddie gently put Evie on the ground, and he kneeled down and held her face. Eddie: Evie wake up please wake up your safe (puts necklace on Evie) come on Babe wake up.
Evie: (coughs) uh E - Eddie? Eddie hugged her and didn't care about the Xeno saliva, Evie was crying but Eddie held her tight.
Eddie: it's alright your safe we got you out your alright. Evie kissed Eddie as she was still crying they were all brought out of the game and Steve brought Evie to the guys and she kissed Eddie as he kissed her back.
Evie: thank you guys i was so scared when the Xeno's captured me i couldn't escape i couldn't move, the queen stopped the fucking face huggers from coming at me.
Mason: what do you mean?
Evie: i - i don't know Mason but i'm just happy to be alive and safe with you guys. Ruby gave Evie a hug and noticed her arm was scratched.
Ruby: (gasp) Evie your arm!
Buck: holy shit you have claw marks on your arm.
Mason: oh damn you must've gotten scratched, and burned by those things.
Evie: shit i didn't notice but i'm fine it's just a scratch and burn, don't worry about it i'm fine. Evie felt the pain from her wounds and almost fell to the ground but Eddie caught her then picked her up bridal style and carried Evie to the infirmary, so her wounds could get treated the doctor did their job and Evie was still in pain.

Allison: Evie i am sorry this happened to you.
Evie: it's fine Allison i was only doing what my Dad did he once worked here and i am doing this for him, to think he would be proud of me for doing this.
Allison: hehe your Dad was like a brother to me shit he died doing what he loved, and yet your a lot like him you know that.
Evie: (smiles) i know.
Allison: listen why don't you take some time off until your healed, until then take it easy Evie alright. Evie nodded and got then went back to the mansion and went to her room to lay down.

*time skip*

Evie was still recovering but she was reading a book and saw the guys come inside back from another mission, they saw Evie chilling on the couch and Eddie sat down next to her.
Evie: hey guys how was the mission?
Tommy: same as always.
Eddie: but it would've been better with you there Evie.
Mason: she still has to recover remember.
Evie: Mason it's my side that needs to recover from the burn, it's pretty small now but it might end up a scar. so don't worry about it alright, i appreciate the concern but none of you have to worry about me.

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