
Start from the beginning

"i want to go" jimin suddenly decided he shouldn't let his sickness get in the way this time. he wants to go with Yoongi, do something normal people would do.

Be around the other. Being with Yoongi made him feel so warm and safe. He felt like he could tell Yoongi anything.

"Really, is it okay with y-"

"Yes, let's go. we can go, i only got to let the nurses know i am out for a bit"

"Okay, let's go!" Yoongi said happily. He wasn't sure if Jimin would come so he was relieved hearing the younger wanted to come with him.


and so they did. Yoongi drove with Jimin to his friend's restaurant. parking the car on a staff spot, he let Seokjin know they were coming so he allowed them to stand there for a while.

"Is this the place you told me about before?" Jimin asked to see the name when they entered.

"yes! you remembered"

"of course i remember, i listen to you" Jimin was talking a little as a distraction because of the nervous feelings inside of him. It felt like he was going on a date, and the thought of this being like a dat made his heart flutter. He likes Yoongi so doing something together like this where people can see them was making him very nervous. Maybe people will think they are dating-

"Jimin?" Yoongi frowned a little, not getting a reaction from the other for a moment there.

"Oh sorry" Jimin got back to reality and sat down on the chair that Yoongi held back for him.

"So uhm, they don't really serve dinner meals. It's just lunch and breakfast things like pastry and some buns. things like that, they have cakes too. my friend Seokjin can make very good cakes and Namjoon decorates them.

"Really, I would love some cake then. and maybe a pastry too, like chocolate bread? do they have that?" Jimin looked at the menu on the table, scanning all the things. There were so many delicious things they could get here, it was making him hungry.

"Of course, they have so much, '' Yoongi smiled. He will just get a custard bun, simple and not overly sweet. "take whatever you like, it's my treat"

"i can pay myself! wait.....oh no i can't" jimin's face saddened, he didn't even have an income, his money was from the government or his friends. But he doesn't spend it since it isn't much. He doesn't want Taehyung to give him more than he is already giving by paying his medical bills every time. Taehyung was almost literally the one keeping him alive at this point.

"so this is the park Jimin?" a voice next to them said. Jimin was startled by the sudden person but the taller patted his shoulder with a chuckle. "sorry to startle you"

"Jin, hyung. yes this is Jimin '' yoongi smiled seeing his friend. "i can't believe you're meeting him earlier than Hoseok, he is gonna be so ad about this"

"He will manage, i just have the luck of owning a public location. i see soooo many people." seokjin smiled and then took out his pen as if he was gonna write something but then he put it back looking at Jimin. "Jimin, it's good to finally meet you. He talks about you a lot when he comes to eat here. You definitely surpass my expectations, you're a very good looking person"

"a-oh thank you" Jimin was surprised, he doesn't get called that often by strangers. But to that he rarely goes outside so there are not really occasions for it happening. It gave him a boost of confidence hearing he looked good. At least he has one plus point about himself.

"so, what will it be for you two?"

"i will take the custard bun with just your regular coffee"

"and for you?" seokjin turned back to jimin.

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