Training ~ Ch. 2

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Izuku POV:


The sudden loud alarm scared me awake, blasting into my ears. As I raised my hands to cover them, I saw Hawks sitting up on his bed and getting changed and ready for the day; there was an outfit on the floor by our beds.

"W-whats going o-on?!" The alarm kept ringing and it didn't help that the speaker was placed right above me.

"Your going to have to get used to it Kid, that's the morning alarm. Now, come with me and hurry, I'll show you the way. We can't be late!"

I quickly changed and Hawks grabbed my hand and started dragging me along and out the door. I started to run behind him as my little legs couldn't walk as fast without being pulled constantly. Outside our room was a long corridor with many doors like our own placed an equal spacing apart.

Kids all ages, either alone or in pairs, started to flood out of their rooms and quickly rush down another winding hallway; this entire place felt like a maze.

"First we get breakfast in the morning, then we do training. This is the sleeping area where the elite sect sleeps, there arent many of us so we dont have that big of a space." Hawks explained as we were following the crowd.

When we arrived at the cafeteria, he rushed me towards the queue and handed me a small, plastic bowl and spoon. The queue was fairly quick and I saw Hawks hand his bowl to a grumpy looking lunch lady who returned it filled with some slop. Following what he did I went forward and also recieved the same slop - it looked like a sad attempt at porridge but ten times worse.

I exit the line and see Hawks waving me over and standing next to a white haired boy with burn scars. The table had 12 seats on either side and was like a classic school one.

I sat on one side while Hawks and the mysterious boy sat on the other.

"Koe, this is Toya and Toya this is Koe. Toya is 12 and Koe is 4. Now, Koe is new here so I've been tasked with explaining all the rules."

"H-hello Toya." I stuttered out. He didn't show any reaction besides glaring at me.

"Didn't hawks tell you to drop the stutter? Don't show emotion in here or you wont last for being weak and get punished. Got it?"

I nod my head quickly and try to calm myself. In the meantime the 2 older boys started to eat. I looked down at the slop and slowly lifted a spoon-full up to my face. I tried to just shove it into my mouth but I almost immediately spit it out, it tasted horrrible and was like expired food.

"Kid, I know the foods bad. Its because they want us to have every nutrient possible that we need but they don't add unnecessary ones like sugar. This will be the only meal in a while so please eat." His wings shuffled around on the seat with every subtle movement.

Listening to hawks and ignoring my refusing mouth, I try to shove it in as quick as I can and swallow it without tasting it. It kind of worked but the horrid taste of the muck stayed on my tongue the whole time.

Right as I took the last bite, another alarm went off causing me to drop the plastic spoon, that I had been using, out my hand and into the bowl.

"Stop being so jumpy, you will get used to it Twerp." The white haired boy started pushing me forward and walked with hawks and all the other children.

All the children started to disperse and seperate down different narrow corridors. I rush to Hawks as Toya also departs down the hallway left of where we were heading.

"Where you sleep shows who your superior trainer is meaning we have the same trainer since we share a room."


"Also, make sure to adress the superiors by 'sir' or when your responding its 'yes sir'. Try to keep your emotions down alright?"

I nod as hawks stops and lets go of my hand. There were around 18 more kids there, all waiting for someone or something.

Suddenly a loud, commanding voice yelled "Line up!" They sounded much older than the other kids. I watched everyone line up with their hands behind their back and head down at the floor before quickly joining them. The superior marched towards us and stopped before pointing towards me.

"You! What's your name I haven't seen you around."

"Erm, its Koe."

"It's sir to you but since your new I'll let you off."

"Yes sir."

"Koe, come to the front and explain your quirk."

"Yes sir!" I run his side and try to explain it the best I can. "Ermm, anything I say can come true and I can create solid objects aswell! There is a backlash depending on the command and the effected object's strength so."

"Alright now come with me first."

He started dragging me by my arm to some room that was a couple doors down from where we left. "Sit there and don't move"

I complied and sat down on a slanted chair, placing my hands by my sides. Suddenly straps came up and wrapped around my hands and feet. 2 superiors came back to me, one was the person training me and the other had a doctors mask on. The masked guy held a syringe with a chip inside and went over to me. He inserted the chip just beneath my left shoulder as I winced at the slight sting.

"There all set, you can take off his bracelet now. Listen boy, don't talk with that bracelet off unless your fighting someone ok? That was a quirk cancelling bracelet so now don't say bad words."

I nod and my training superior starts leaving. "Come, Koe."

We leave in silence as he points me to stand back with the other children who were still in the same position, in a line with hands behind their back. We get in line as the superior looks at his small notepad.

"Today you must do 200 pushups, 10 minute plank, 100 sit ups, 100 pull ups and 300 Russian twists. After that we are going to be doing a group training. If anyone fails to complete the required tasks everyone will get double the training."

After the first 10 pushups my arms already felt like they were on fire, the muscles in them ached but I have to do it! It doubles if I dont do it and that's going to happen for everyone!

The pushup were torture but I kept on doing it. However during the plank I could feel myself start to blackout, after all what did they think an underdeveloped 4 year old kid to do?

Black pixels littered my vision as the world was spinning before my eyes; eventually I gave in and fell unconscious.

3rd person POV:

While everyone was concentrating on their own plank, only Hawks noticed the greenette swaying slightly and struggling to keep himself steady before he eventually collapsed against the cold hard ground, hitting the ground with a loud slam.

The blonde superior walked briskly towards Midoriya as he knelt down beside him and checked his pulse to make sure he hadn't died or anything. Luckily he didn't and the superior stood up, talking into his small radio. Shortly after, 2 people carrying a stretcher hurried in to pick him up. Once they left the blonde turned to them and sighed.

"I should've known he couldn't handle it, those jerks...forget the double thing everyone here is dismissed, train in your own time I'm going after them."

With that, he left and followed where the other 2 people had brought Midoriya to. The children still doing their workouts abruptly stopped and mildly cheered before looking around frightened if someone had heard them. It wasn't all the time a superior would be nice enough to not even given them any punishment, let alone cancel the whole training they were doing just for one kid.

Only Hawks was worried about the small, underweight insomniac.

1377 words!

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