Chapter 37

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"Are you a lawyer or an actress?" I asked when we were out of earshot and Jennie let go of my hand, breaking the spell.

"Being a lawyer requires copious amounts of acting."

"That was brilliant."

"You were right though. She really is a bitch."

"Told you. I don't know what her problem is."

"You don't?"

I frowned. "No."

"You didn't see the way she was looking at you?"

"No." I said, growing horrified.

"That girl has it bad for you."

"Please don't say that."

"How could she not though? Look at you."

I looked down at my outfit again. "I changed like five times tonight." I confessed.

"You look amazing." Jennie said.

"Have you seen yourself? You're..." Words failed me. Jennie cocked an eyebrow, waiting to hear what I would come up with. "You're absolutely stunning, Jennie. You're gorgeous. I feel really lucky to be here with you tonight. Hands down, you are the prettiest girl in the room and everyone's been staring at you."

Instead of the quick retort I grew accustomed to hearing from Jennie, she smiled and looked almost bashful.

She was perfect.

We got to the bar and I ordered us each a glass of wine. I couldn't keep track of what number drink we were on, but I knew I felt the alcohol spinning in my head in the most delightful way. Jennie and I wandered throughout the house chatting, people watching, and making small talk when it was demanded of us. Mostly, we enjoyed each other's company. I enjoyed being with her, talking with her, and no one else in the room mattered. Jennie had to remind me to socialise with my co-workers when they approached us, but I only had eyes for her; she was the only one that mattered in this room tonight. Not some silly job, not sucking up to anyone, just her, only her.

Jennie even had to force me to the living room for the announcement of the Master's project and even though it was given to someone else, I didn't care.

"I'm sorry you didn't get the project." Jennie said later. "This whole thing seems like a waste now."

I shrugged. "It doesn't matter. It's just a project and this is just a job. It's not my life."

"You're not passionate about what you do?"

"Of course I am, but I'll never let me job dictate my happiness. I enjoy the work I do and sure, more money is always nice, but it's not a necessity."

Jennie smiled at me. "I really like how you see the world. It's refreshing."

"This whole thing wasn't a waste, either."


"No. Free food and drinks like you've said." I explained. Jennie chuckled. "And getting to spend time with you. I'm... really glad we did this. I know we're not friends" Jennie smiled, totally amused. "But I've really enjoyed these last two weeks. And you were valedictorian of your high school and summa cum laude at your university."

Jennie smirked. "And you're dyslexic."

I blinked. "Wait, how did you know that?"

"When you're reading words out loud, you say them wrong all the time."

I stared at her for a second. "You've never said anything?"

"No, I thought it was cute."

I blushed again. I hated that Jennie was always in control, that Jennie was always three steps ahead, that Jennie knew how she was going to put me in checkmate before we even started playing.

"You're always ready with some clever retort." I told her.

"It's part of my charm."

"Charm... is that what they're calling it?"

"You tell me. Is it working?"

My stomach dropped. Was it working? Was Jennie flirting with me? Before I could formulate a response, as if by some curse, Nancy was at our sides.

"Can I help you?" I snapped.

"Oh no, I just didn't know if you realised you were standing under mistletoe."

Jennie and I both glanced up. Nancy looked at us expectantly. Jennie and I exchanged a look, the memory of us under the mistletoe at work.

"Does this one work?" Jennie teased.

"Of course it works." Nancy said.

"It's an inside joke." I explained. I looked at Jennie standing in that red dress, red wine in her hand, her dark hair framing her face, and I realised in that moment that I wanted to kiss Jennie. I wanted to kiss her so badly, but not in a crowded room like this and especially not in front of Nancy. I began to explain why we couldn't; why I wouldn't kiss Jennie here, now, when Nancy quickly interrupted.

"You're going to break a sacred holiday tradition?" Nancy encouraged, as if she'd backed us into a corner and would prove to us once and for all that we weren't a real couple and this mistletoe test would prove it.

I glanced at Jennie who looked at me encouragingly, as if daring me to allow Nancy to win. I stood on my tippy toes and pressed a quick kiss to Jennie's cheek.

"Oh come on." Nancy complained. "You can kiss her. No one here cares."

I opened my mouth to protest again, but Jennie cupped my cheek with her free hand and pulled me in for a kiss. Not just a kiss. This was an Oscar worthy performance. I was so shocked that I let her lead and followed her example. My hand fell to her hip and I pulled her in closer to me, yearning for her touch. We melted into each other and it felt like the world stopped spinning.

When Jennie pulled away, I was dazed and breathless. Nancy's eyes were wide.

"Look at that." Jennie said, looking at her empty wine glass. "I need more wine. You coming babe?"

"Yeah." I managed to stutter.

Jennie wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me away from the mistletoe. I stumbled after her.

"I think that will shut her up for good." Jennie laughed. "You okay, Lili?"

"Yeah, totally fine." I blinked a few times, trying to etch that kiss into my memory.

I forgot how to even exist. I kissed Jennie. Jennie kissed me.

"I need some air. I'm just going to step outside for a sec, be right back."

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