Chapter 24

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Jennie spun on her heels and I heard the water turn on. I shook my head, but smiled. Jennie was a tidal wave, unrelenting. I suppose she didn't know what to do when she couldn't crash over and demolish another person; she didn't know what to do with someone who knew how to swim with the current.

I poured her a glass of wine to take with her to the bath. Her shoulders fell and she thanked me. I smiled and turned back to preparing the meal. I put my phone on the counter and turned on music. I sang and did dumb little dances while I cooked. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and filled it with warm chili. When I spun around to put it on the counter, Jennie was leaning against the counter with an amused smile on her face.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked.

"A while." she replied, while still smiling.

"So you witnessed my awesome dance moves?"

"Something like that."

"You're very lucky: only a select few get to see my karaoke and dance combo."

"Is that so?"

I nodded and sat next to her.

"Are you eating?" she asked me.

"No, I ate at home. But I am having a glass of wine with you."

"You're really trying to play up this whole fake girlfriend thing, huh?"

My smile vanished. "No, it's called being a friend; I'm not trying to get anything from you."

Jennie watched me like she didn't quite believe me.

"Despite what you may think, not everyone in this world is out to take something from you. Sometimes a person can give without expecting something in return. I'm trying to take care of you since you don't seem to take care of yourself."

Jennie stared at me for a moment longer before her face smoothed out and she relaxed. Eventually she sighed and apologised. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

"Almost every relationship that I've been in has ended because they all said that I was 'too intense'." Jennie laughed humourlessly. "I guess I can see where they're coming from."

I shrugged. "You wouldn't be you without all this intensity. I think you just need someone who isn't fazed by it."

"You mean like you?" Jennie teased.

"Exactly." We both laughed and Jennie finished her dinner. I collected her bowl and cleaned up.

"Lisa, you don't have to do that; I'll clean up in the morning."

"I know how much you hate to have your kitchen dirty."

"And I know how selfless you are."

"That doesn't count."

"It does, because it's something I just learned about you."

I smiled at her and finished cleaning the kitchen. Jennie moved to the couch and had Netflix open.

"Which episodes are the Christmas ones?" Jennie asked, hovering over 'The Office'. A grin split my face and I grabbed the remote, plopping down next to her on the couch.

"You're still going to sit in the middle?" Jennie asked.

"Yes, I am. This is my spot."

"Jin isn't home."

"Yeah, but this is my spot and I'm comfy here." I put up Jin's footrest and rested my feet on it.

"All this room on the couch and you still choose to sit in the middle."

"You also have a blanket and I want some."

"There are other blankets in this house."

"If I share your blanket I can be close to you, Jennie dearest!" I teased and leaned my head against her shoulder.

"Are you the clingy type?" she asked.

"I like to cuddle if that's what you're asking." I lifted my head up and appraised her. "Let me guess: you're not the snuggling type."

"What gave it away?" Jennie asked sarcastically.

"It must be your warm and inviting demeanour."

Jennie chuckled. I had this goofy grin on my face; I loved making her laugh. I started the first Christmas episode of 'The Office' without any more teasing or harassment and hoped Jennie would enjoy them as much as I did.

"This is so... awkward. I feel second-hand embarrassment." Jennie said.

I laughed. "It's so funny."

"Why did the boss buy an iPod? I don't understand."

I laughed again and left her question hanging in the air. We finished the first episode and started the second. Jennie was baffled by the entire series and had about as many comments as I did when we watched the shitty holidays movies. At some point during the third episode, Jennie's head fell against my shoulder when she passed out.

I pushed her hair out her face and smiled down at her, happy she was finally sleeping. I couldn't imagine how utterly exhausted she was after this week. I continued to watch TV until Jin came through the door a few hours later. Jennie hadn't moved the entire time.

I quickly put up my finger to shush him. He looked at me confused and I pointed down to Jennie. His brow furrowed and looked back and forth between us. In a hushed tone, I explained.

"I'll carry her to bed." he whispered. "Do you want to stay the night?"

"No I'll be fine. It's only a couple miles."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"Okay, drive safe."

"I will. How was the date?"

Jin shrugged. "It was a free dinner, so there's that."


Jin shrugged and scooped up his sister.

"Good night." he whispered.


When Jin turned to walk away, Jennie mumbled my name in her sleep. Jin and I exchanged glanced. I shook my head; I had no idea why she would be dreaming of me.

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