Chapter 16

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When I got to work, I pulled out the framed photo that I took of Jennie and myself on Friday and placed it on my desk. The phone background was probably enough and with enough patience, I could have somehow manipulated Nancy to look at my phone screen but a framed photo was faster and much more indicative of a thriving relationship.

I waited for the bite and didn't have to wait long; Nancy was at my desk not too long after.

"Who's that?" she asked.

"Who?" I asked, playing dumb and focusing my eyes on my computer screen.

"Her." Nancy pointed to the framed picture.

"That's Jennie." Nancy looked at me, because it didn't answer her question. "My girlfriend."

Nancy blinked. "What?"

"My girlfriend."

"I heard you!" Nancy snapped. "You have a girlfriend?"

"I've been telling you that I have a girlfriend since I started working here."

"Why are you only now putting up a picture of you two?"

I shrugged. "I'm not the sentimental type, but she asked why I didn't have any pictures of us on my desk, since her desk is covered with pictures of us. She's obsessed with me. So I brought one from home to appease her. Very toxic, remember?"

"What does your girlfriend do?" Nancy asked, ignoring my comment. The way she said the word 'girlfriend' made it sound like a dirty word.

"She's a lawyer. Late hours. The minute a new case develops, she's off. She works the holidays because it's easier to get things done, but there are a surprising number of people who still want to sue each other on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Wild, right?"

"Oh yeah? Who does she work for?"

"Lawrence & Co."

Nancy narrowed her eyes.

"But don't worry, you can ask her all of this on the 18th."

"You're coming?"

"I did RSVP."

Nancy looked like she wanted to make a snarky comment but somehow resisted the temptation. I rubbed it in.

"I even stressed how important this company party was." I said, all fake smiles and false cheeriness. It was quickly becoming more and more genuine as Nancy grew more indignant. "Jennie promised she wouldn't go into work this time and made sure to clear her calendar. I've told her so much about you too; she's really excited to meet you."

"I guess I'll see her then." Nancy spun on her heels and went back to her desk. I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle my laughter.

"She's really got it out for you." Jackson said.

I flashed him a grin. "Right? What did I do?"

"I think you're the only one who didn't immediately suck up to her."

"I don't think she sent me that memo."

Jackson laughed. "It's pretty ballsy if you ask me."

"Someone's got to stand up to the 'Wicked Witch of Christmas'."

Jackson laughed and went back to work. I realised that I quite liked Jackson. Perhaps I really should give my co-workers a chance. Maybe not all of them. Just Jackson.

TYPA GIRL | JENLISATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang