Chapter 7: Containment Breach

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 Warning: Gore                                                         

                                             Y/N's P.O.V.

I think there is no other way to escape, I've tried everything and now I'm bored. So I decided to sit on my chair and think about something interesting. 

Beep! Beep!  I jumped, surprised and scared by the sudden sound. I looked around and saw this red thing on the wall behind the glass. Maybe this was the moment I could escape! I looked around for any objects that I could use to smash the glass. Then I remember about the sword. I pulled it out, determination building like piles of snow on a snowy day.

The sword silver gleam gave me hope as I flew up and smashed the sword against the glass. The glass shattered on the first hit. I felt my feet touch the ground and I knew that I was out. I walked to the door and opened it, then I looked at the hallway. It was quiet and empty. I took a step forward and stepped on something. I looked down and jumped away in fright, it was a dead body of some guard. 

It's body was bloody and battered and it had lots of claw marks all over it. I decided to look at it and see if there were any clues about what did it to him. I turned the body over and saw a big gash on his neck. What ever killed him wasn't quite friendly to humans.  I looked at it a little longer, but I didn't find any other clues. So I decided to move on.

I walked in slow careful steps trying to not make any noise. I kept walking for a while, passing many doors and hearing lot of screams of terror. I walked into a room that looked like a office. On a table, I saw this rectangle that I see the humans use to open doors. I realized that if I were to escape, I would need it. So I took it and walked out of the room.

I continued walking until I heard someone humming. I froze. I really wanted to see who it was but at the same time I wanted to run away. But in the end curiosity took the better of me. So I walked towards the noise and I saw a open door. I cautiously  looked inside. There was some humanoid thing wearing black clothes that was cutting open a dead human with a knife. Then it started to take some things out of the body, which is really disgusting.

I decided to walk away quietly because I didn't want that to happen to me. But I forgot to check where I was stepping. And I accidentally stepped on a crinkled balled up piece of paper. And it made a noise. 

"Hello? Is someone there?"

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