Chapter 5: The Interview

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Interview Log 10871.IL.1

Interviewer: D-13928

Interviewee: SCP-10871


D-13928: This is D-13928, with SCP-10871. Interview log 10871.IL.1, 17 July 2022. So I'm going to ask you some questions. So, do you have a name, if so, what is it?

SCP-10871: Y/N L/N

D-13928: Have you heard of the pestilence before?

SCP-10871: ........ No I have not.

D-13928: Since you were found near ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️, how long have you been living near there?

SCP-10871: About ◼️◼️years.

D-13928: Have you met any humans before you were brought to the foundation?

SCP-10871: Yes. I have met humans that were just walking around in the woods.........

D-13928: Do you have any abilities?

SCP-10871: I can lift things using my mind and heal wounds that I get.

D-13928: SCP-13928, would you mind demonstrating-

SCP-10871 makes the table float in midair and stares at it in surprise. After 5 seconds of the table floating in midair it falls to the ground with a thump.

D-13929: Woah, what the ◼️◼️◼️◼️was that? Uhhhhh anyways just three more questions. How do you make the angel halo above your head float?

SCP-10871: I don't know.

D-13929: Do you know about any other doctors that have similar appearances as you?

SCP-10871: No.

D-13929: Are your clothes attached to you?

SCP-10871: Yes.

D-13929: Well I guess that concludes Interview Log 10871.IL.1.

Two guards come in and drag D-13929 out of the containment chamber while SCP-10871 watches, stunned.

A new SCP (SCP-049 x SCPchildreader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum