"My client wants your lil man to be in her music video," he said emphasizing "lil man".

"I'd appreciate it if you'd talk to me professionally like adults and not adolescents." Fatima spat back in a sarcastic happy tone.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't fuck clients," he said making her choke on air. Track laughed extremely hard on the phone as Fatima fell into a coughing fit, shocked at what she just heard.

"Excuse me, but I'm not you sir. And I don't have time to argue with you" she spoke looking up to Stacy who put a thumbs up, signaling she was ready for Fatima to see the outfits.

Fatima walked up, looking at all the outfits that were laid out neatly on a long table. She pointed to the best ones, nodding her head 'yes' and mouthed 'no' to the ones she didn't like much.

"I'm just playing witchu sweet pea. I know you'll never let him touch dat. Anyway, Asian want Von to be in her 'Lame Niggas' part 2 music video. The internet likes them together, and it'll for sure run up the views and streams." Track said and Fatima chuckled bitterly.

Her tongue poked the inside of her cheek as she shook her head in distaste. "So what I'm hearing is that you wanna use Von for views and he gets nothing out of it?" She insisted.

"No he is getting something out of it," Track said sincerely.

"And what's that?"


Once again, Fatima rolled her eyes at his nonprofessionalism. For one, it was not a good offer and for two there were no long-term benefits for Von in it. What it sounded like to her was "Let's let the internet think they're together because it'll boost Asian's career" and her mind never leads her wrong.

"Well, I don't appreciate you wasting my time and this conversation was completely useless-"

"Is it useless? Or do you just want little lover boy to yourself" Track reiterated making air get caught in Fatima's throat. She was confused as to why Track kept throwing that whole 'Von and her' idea around. In her mind, it couldn't be farther from the truth.

"Stop with that accusation first if all" she sighed as she touched the material of the white button-down shirt, that looked to be tailored to perfection to fit only Von's body. She nodded her head 'yes' at the stylist with a slight smile as she continued to talk on the phone.

"I'll have a conversation with my client and see what he says" is all she said before hanging up the phone, feeling a headache coming on.

"Who dat was?" Von asked coming behind her. Fatima jumped, whipping her head around. "The interview is done?" She asked and he nodded eyeing her down.

"Who was that?" He repeated taking note of the aggravation that showed on Fatima's face. "Track" she responded, holding a shirt up to Von's chest to get a feel of how it would look on him.

"What he wanted," Von asked with his eyebrows furrowed and lips turned down in disgust. He couldn't stand Track for the life of him and already knew the man was on foul timing.

"I'll tell you later. What you need to be worried about is this photoshoot. Come try this stuff on"...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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