Known as Rebel

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Harry's POV:

Morning arrived quicker than I had expected. Throughout the night, I fell asleep. Luckily Molly had stayed up by my side. Otherwise, I would be dead... Literally.

As I planned last night, I was going to apologize to Brooke and Zoey. I sort of realized what I did was wrong, but seriously, no reason to get all bent out of shape. 

I trotted over to Liam. "Hey, where's Brooke?" I asked assuming he knew.

"Um... Lad, she's sort of sick. She's been puking by the river, but whenever we try to help, she tells us to go away." He sighed and glanced over at her. Sick? Again... Just like the night of the big attack. I hope she's okay.

I nodded. "Thanks." I muttered before jogging over to the creek, where Brooke sat.

She took one glance at me and scowled. Still mad, huh? "What do you want, Harry?" She spat out, in an awful tone.

I sat down beside her and began rubbing her back. "I wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry. Okay? I didn't mean what I said. I was in the wrong. And I know that, now." I told her, smiling.

She blinked a couple times, sort of confused. "You... You're sorry?" She asked nervously.

I nodded. "Yes, love. Yes I am." I tried hugging her, but she scooted away. What more did she want?

"Wait, wait, wait.... Did you even apologize to Zoey yet? Or were you going to forget that, that was the reason that I am mad at you?" She stated moving further away from me. Am? Not was? She's still mad at me?

"I-I was just about to go and do that, after you." I stuttered out. Her eyebrows raised as if she didn't believe me.

"Well, then go." She turned around so now she wasn't even facing me.

I rolled my eyes, and got up to my feet. Everything was so different lately. Change. I hated change. Yet here I was, changing everything.

Zoey's POV:

Avoiding Harry, has NOT been easy today. Every time, I'm alone, he just walks up to me. And I keep trying to get rid of him, but it really seems like he's following me. And it's making me nervous.

Once again, I walk around the tree and back over to Liam, hoping to escape Harry. But a tug on my shoulder stopped me. It wasn't actually a tug, it was more of a pull. And being clumsy me, I tumbled to the ground.

"Haha... I mean oops." Harry hovered over me, and my heart started to beat faster. Was he moving to more drastic measures? 

I sat there, stunned by his every movement. I never though of me being scared of Harry. But, I really can't describe him lately.

"Sorry, Zo. Didn't mean to knock you down. I just need to talk to you." He held down his hand to help me up.


I took his hand hesitantly and he pulled me onto my feet. "Listen... I'm sorry okay. I know I've been being so bloody mean to you. And I just want to apologize for my behavior." He told me, only making me more confused.

But I went along with it. "Erm, yeah? Okay I guess." My eyebrows scrunched together, and held there.

"So you forgive me?" He questioned desperately.

It didn't take me long to think about it. Just to get him out of my hair. "Yes, I do." I said.

His smile grew wide, as he quickly wrapped his arms around me, and hugged me... My eyes grew wide but I tried to show no emotion.

 And as fast as he was here, he was gone. And if I had to guess it would be over by Brooke.

Brooke's POV:

Harry was laughing by the time he came up to me. Must've been nervous...

"Sooo? Did you apologize or what?" I asked. For like the past hour, I've been watching him chase around Zoey, while she dodged his every move.

"Yup! And she took it pretty well. She forgives me, just like that." He snapped his fingers.

"I wouldn't of... I mean you pushed her on the ground." I teased, standing up, so he wouldn't be hovering over me.

"I didn't mean too. She tripped okay?" He told me, giggling. "So, does that mean you forgive me?" He asked. How could I stay mad at him?

I stood up on my tippy toes and connected our lips together. "You're getting there." I whispered in a hushed tone. His grin formed wider.

"Are you still feeling sick? You might have the flu." He told me changing the subject.

I was sick. Well puking anyways, but he didn't have to know that. "Oh, yeah... I'm fine." I reassured him, although I don't think that he believed me...

"Well, maybe you should-"

"Actually, I'm going to go talk to Zoey. I haven't got to talk to her lately." I exclaimed moving away from him. I didn't want him worrying about me. I was fine.

"Hey Zoey." I called out jogging over to her. It made my stomach queasy but I ignored it for the most part.

Zoey looked up. Her and Liam were all packed up and ready to go... That meant we're leaving, already. But why?

"Hey, Brooke. Are you ready?" She questioned tossing me a bag to hold. The bag was light, since there was basically nothing in it... I guess we were really running out of supplies fast.

"What? Are we leaving right now?" I asked concerned. I checked back and Harry was already grabbing up our weapons.

"Yes, we are?" She told me, although it sounded a lot like a question.

"But, where?" I paused, I don't know why but for some reason, I really wanted to stay here. I hated traveling. "There's no where to go anyways."

"Brooke, we found that out when this whole thing started. Okay? So, now c'mon. We have a lot of walking to do." She demanded.

Liam trotted of, and Zoey went off to his side. I crossed my arms over my chest. I didn't want to go...

But something made me follow. Is that all I am now? A follower?


Author's Note:

Hey guys! So this is a very BORING chapter. Trust me, I know... But the next chapter is when it all starts going down. So, please don't give up on me just yet!

~Cassie ♥ Xxx


Btw! A BIG shoutout to an amazayn girl, who is very nice to me: stephy_bear2013!! Please check out her stories, which are awesome! Thanks again:)

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