Harry and Ron waited for Hermione, and therefore Delilah to get to the top. Delilah ignored them and walked past them to meet up with Daphne as after lunch they both had Study of Ancient Runes.

It was the only class Delilah didn't have with Draco. It was hard, and not Delilah's favorite. She'd probably drop it after this year. Usually she didn't look forward to it. Today, however, she did.

They had it with the Gryffindors, so Delilah would have a chance to see how Hermione continued to act. Something was definitely off with her.

Delilah talked a bit to Daphne and they headed over to Professor Bathsheda Babbling's room. Since Professor Bathsheda Babbling's name was so long, everyone just called her Professor Babbling, which was ironic as she never babbled nor gave lectures.

The lesson was normal, just a short talk about the history of ancient runes and a foot and a half essay about it. They were allowed to work together, so Delilah and Daphne teamed up. Delilah had wanted to investigate Hermione more, but she hadn't seen or talked to Daphne for ages and thought they should catch up. It was a good idea and they had a blast.

Afterwards they headed to Transfiguration, which was all about animagi. It was fascinating. When McGonagall transformed, the whole class, even though they were Slytherins, burst into applause. Even the bratty ones.

McGonagall gave a rare smile and went on to lecture about the process. Of course they had to write an essay about the process and dangers of doing it without supervision. Then, she mentioned something that caught everyone's attention.

"Also, I will be helping some students learn to be animagi. If you would like to participate, sign the form by the door," Professor McGonagall said. "I will be going through the list and choosing who will and will not be included, and if you do agree there will be some," she coughed, "things you can not do. That will be all." The bell rang and McGonagall motioned for them to go. On the way out Delilah signed the paper.

After it was a new class, well, not new, but there was a new teacher, which meant a new experience. Delilah didn't think she'd be able to concentrate on it though. She liked Defense Against the Dark Arts, at least she thought she did from the books she read, but with the possibility of becoming an animagus... there was no way she'd be able to concentrate.

She walked into the room and saw that Professor Lupin, looking shabby as ever, was sitting on his desk. A few Slytherins, including Delilah and Draco, followed his lead and sat on, instead of in, their desks.

Professor Lupin was reading a book so he didn't realize that all of the Slytherins and a few Hufflepuffs were sitting on their desks like he was. When he did he grinned and surveyed the class.

"Well, this should be interesting. Today we will be having a practical lesson so you will only need your wands," Lupin said and the class murmured excitedly.

"He better not be setting pixies loose," Delilah muttered to Draco who had to fight not to laugh. He failed. Lupin looked over and eyes met Delilah's. Something flashed in his eyes, so quick that she couldn't recognize it, and almost thought she had imagined it.

Lupin shot her a kind smile, not seeming upset that they had slightly disrupted the class, but no one had really noticed; the rest of the class was muttering excitedly about a practical lesson.

He also didn't seem upset that over half the class was sitting on their desks. In fact, he seemed amused by it. This definitely would be a fun class. Maybe she would be able to focus.

"Right then," said Professor Lupin. "If you'd follow me."

Interested, the class got to its feet and followed Lupin out of the classroom. He led them along the deserted corridor and around a corner. After a second corridor, they stopped right outside the staffroom door.

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