"Look Luna! They are looking for an English language translator that would correct the lyrics for certain Italian band".

"Ooh, mysterious!", Luna laughed.
"I have an idea! Let's apply!", I suddenly thought.

"I think I'm gonna pass. I'm not really into that. You love music. It's worth a try.", Luna encouraged me.

  Despite us both being drunk we somehow managed to fill in the online application while joking constantly. Marco and Sarah were already gone once we finished so we returned alone.
The next morning I was awoken by my phone ringing. My head started hurting instantly. I put my pillow over it and tried to ignore the ringing. Then, Luna took my phone and picked up.

"Hello! Yes, this is her phone. Oh, I will get her in a moment. Please wait.", I heard her saying.

  Then I felt her hands moving me to wake me up.

"Get up Bianca! They're calling for a job!", she whispered.

"What job?", I mumbled.

"The one we applied you for last night!"

"Shit!", I said sitting up.

  Luna gave me my phone and I put it on my ear trying to sound as collected as I could.

"Hello! Yes, this is her. Yes, I did apply. No I do not have anything planned. Of course, I could. Thank you!", I hung up.

"And?", Luna demanded to know everything the lady that called said over the phone.

"Well, they want me to go for an interview. There are 10 more applicants so they had to choose wisely. This woman gave me the address of the hotel where the interview would be done and told me to come there tomorrow at 8 am."

"Amazing! Did she mention the name of the band so we could stalk them on social media? Did she say anything about the salary?", Luan wanted to know.

"She was actually very mysterious about the band and she didn't mention anything about the payments."

  We got up from our beds since it was already noon and struggled to make some coffee and eat since we felt like dying from all that alcohol we poured into ourselves last night. We called other people that were with us and they were also hungover. Since I didn't have the strength to do literally anything, I just took a shower and went back to bed for the rest of the day. Luna had an hour-long bath after which she did the same. Only in the evening did we start to gather our strength back. That's when I started getting nervous about my interview. I gathered all the papers I thought I might need and put them in my backpack. I talked it through with my best friend who reassured me saying it will be alright. Then we picked out some decent outfit for this opportunity. Those were simple wide-legged jeans and a white button-up shirt.

  My alarm went off at 7:30 so I would be able to get to the interview on time. Luckily, the hotel wasn't that far from me. I put on some makeup and got dressed. Then, I took my backpack and my Vans and got going. Luna wished me luck and walked me out. When I got into the building I headed straight to the reception.

"Good morning! Could you tell me where is a job interview for a certain band being taken?", I politely asked the man standing behind the counter.

"Good morning! You mean the interview for the Måneskin?", the receptionist replied.

  I was puzzled at first but I concluded it must be a misunderstanding.

"Oh, no! I don't think so. You see the woman called Francesca called me and told me to come here for a job interview. It's the translator job for a band.", I explained additionally.

"Sí! For Måneskin band Miss.", he repeated and I froze.

  This can't be real!

"Are you sure there is no other interview for today?", I had to ask.

"Miss, Francesca is their manager and she told me to instruct each applicant to go to the first-floor conference room.", he politely reassured me.

"Grazie!", I replied and started walking towards the elevator.

'Måneskin' kept repeating in my head. Was that the reason Francesca kept being so secretive about the band's name? Because it's freaking Måneskin? I didn't know what to think so I texted Luna letting her know what was happening. She told me not to panic and we concluded that it was not likely that I'll see them today. I sat down in the waiting room listening to hear my name. After 5 people did their interview, it was my turn. They all came out of the conference room looking startled but didn5have any time to say anything to us since the next name was immediately being called out. I stood up, fixed my clothes, and went in but almost fainted when I saw 3 men and a girl sitting on the couch while another older woman was sitting behind the desk. The 4 people on the couch were the fucking Måneskin!

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