But Yoongi was taking a long time.

"Shouldn't he be here by now?" Jimin pouted. "Haven't we waited long enough?"

"Maybe he's stuck in traffic?" Namjoon mentioned.

"Can we call him? Just to check?" Jungkook asked anxiously.

"I don't want us to call him if he's driving. He will be here soon. Like Joonie said he probably just got stuck in some traffic." Jin patted Jungkook's and Taehyung's backs. "Just try to do something fun to pass the time. Staring out the window won't make him get here any faster."

"It might!" Hobi said cheerfully. Jin chuckled and went on his way. After another hour the anxiety in the house had picked up greatly. At this point Jin was worried enough to try calling Yoongi but was taken straight to voicemail every single time.

"Aish," Jin said into the phone.

Jungkook looked up at Jin with a pout, "Hyung? I'm so damn worried. He should be home by now. He should have been home a while ago."

All of the members tried calling Yoongi but they all got the same response. Jin tried calling Yoongi's parents and told them he was taking a while to get back. He asked what the traffic was like down there and they told him there had been a major accident on the highway not long ago so Yoongi must just be stuck in that.

Three hours later, after already crying with worried anxiety about not hearing from him, the members were given the news that Yoongi was not stuck in traffic due to the major accident on the highway.

He was part of the major accident on the highway, and he was killed in it. They'd come to learn that a car lost control on the highway and swerved into his, causing his car to roll in front of another one before being crushed.

Jin slammed the phone down after they were told the news by someone from the hospital who had called them. All of the members were in a fit of tears screaming and crying .

"He should be home! He was supposed to be home soon!" Taehyung screamed, although the words barely made it out of his throat as he hyperventilated and was being drowned by his own tears. They were all huddled together on the floor sobbing and pleading desperately for him to come home.

"I want Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook screamed and pleaded into Namjoon's chest, "I want Y-y-y-oongi hyung!" he cried over and over. He sounded like a broken record.

"Hyungie....my hyungie!" Jimin screamed. Hobi was speechless. He didn't even know what to think or say. This had to be some cruel joke. He could only hope it was some cruel joke. He kept looking back at the phone expecting it to ring again. Expecting to pick up and on the other end it would be Yoongi saying, "Got you!"

But the phone never rang again. Nobody was calling back to say this was a prank.

Jin was numb. He didn't understand how the impossible could be possible. Because losing a member was supposed to be impossible. He wrapped his arms tightly around everyone as he tried to figure out his thoughts, but he didn't even know what his thoughts were, so he couldn't figure them out. He had just talked to Yoongi on the phone a few hours ago, it wouldn't make sense that he was dead.

He was just alive. How could he be dead?

Namjoon ran to the bathroom and threw up. He was choking on and being gagged by his own tears. His body felt heavy. Hyung...no..no..

Suddenly he heard both Jimin and Jungkook screaming so loudly that they sounded like they were being murdered or tortured. Namjoon ran back out and saw both of them now laying face down on the floor, screaming and crying. He dove down with them and pulled them in close.

Be Home Soon. [Yoongi Hurtfic/MCD]Where stories live. Discover now