Origins part 2

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The Chapter begins begins at Themyscira at night where we see a cloaked figure enter the temple of hera, now in the center chamber the figure takes off the cloak to reveal Diana looking at the blessed armor and lasso of truth]

DIANA: Mother, forgive me. [she holds holds the pendant on her neck] We'll meet again, and i hope soon. {a/n: yoh have no idea} [Diana takes off the cloak and takes the the lasso and blessed armor]

[We cut back to the government outpost where the Four fighting the white aliens and Superman is hit by lazers sending him into a tank]

[(Y/n), J'onn, and Batman take cover behind some crates and Batman pulls out a blinking batarang while (Y/n) was providing cover fire]

BATMAN: You two stay down.

[Batman throws the batarang into the air, (Y/n) takes notice and gets down before it exploded knocking the enemy back, Batman picks up another batarang bit an alien is runnig towards the three]

J'ONN: Behind you!

[J'onn becomes transparent and floats through Batman and starts to glow until he was shot knocking him to the ground, (Y/n) fires a shot at the enemy taking him out]

BATMAN: J'onn, are you... [the only answer he got was a shaking head and groaning] Hang on!

(Y/n): "Get him to safety"

SUPERMAN: [holding a tank] We'll cover you.

[The enemy begin the fore at the tank superman was holding while Batman helped J'onn get to his jet, once inside J'onns eyes begin to glow]

[Superman throws the tank towards the enemy and turns]

SUPERMAN: That armor wouldn't happen to give you the ability to fly would it?

(Y/n): "I wouldn't know, because this is the first time I'm using it"

SUPERMAN: Alright then, lets go. [He hold out his hand and (Y/n) accepts it]

[We cut into the sky where the four are flying away]

BATMAN: That was close

J'ONN: We're not safe yet. Look.

[The four look back to see a swarm of ships following and begin to fire to try and take down the bat jet we see Batman trying his best to dodge we see Superman who is carrying (Y/n) with one arm fly destroying ships one by one until they are hit into a mountain]

[We cut back to Batman and J'onn still getting chased by the enemy fly into a Ravine between the mountains then flying into a tight space getting most of the ships but get hit Losing one of the wings that stabilized the jet, they begin to spiral out of control to their doom until stopping]

BATMAN: What happened?

J'ONN: Help has arrived.

[The two look up to see the source of the green light Green Lantern John Stewart, some ships appear and start firing but are soon destroyed by the Thanagarian hero Hawkgirl]

BATMAN: Hawkgirl? What's she doing here?

[J'onn phases out the jet as Green lantern lets down the bat jet, now in the air J'onn, Superman, (Y/n) And green lantern prepare to fight]

JOHN: Sorry I'm late. There was an uprising near Rigel Nine. [John takes a look at (Y/n)] Who's the new guy?

(Y/n): "Magna Defender"

[Hawkgirl flies in and the fight begins Superman tosses (Y/n) into the air to who then lands on top an enemy and pulls his sword out and stabs into it and starts controlling it to take out the others]

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