Mirko informed the other heroes, who were occupied with other nomus at the time, and quickly jumped to action.

She sent a powerful kick in the doctor's direction but a smaller nomu, whom he had called Mocha, took it instead. 

He congratulated it quietly, a shaky voice, and called the other stronger nomus. "My precious high-ends!" And he vanished.

They appeared similar to how Mirko did, crashing through the building with reckless action. However, differing from nomus previously fought, these ones could speak.

"Kill them all! Let's go nuts."

Another hero had run in and a nomu caught a glimpse of him, towering over him like a predator to its prey. "I'm not sure about your rank... but I know you're Crust!"

"A talking nomu!" Crust had observed. "Correct! How astute!"

Mirko jumped through the lab with precious little caution and fire in her eyes. "You think you're getting away?! Whatever - things are only just heating up!"

The doctor, warped to another location, anxiously awaited the completion of Shigaraki's transformation.

However, as Mirko's ears perked up at the sound, she pinpointed their location deep in the lab, knowing full well that they have no chance in escaping.

She pushed through the pipes of the lab and she bounced through the building, displaying the power of her kicks.

Luna Ring

Spinning through the air, taking out nomus like a bowling ball to pins, perhaps one would forget the lack of a working left arm, for she had none.

"Die." A nomu seemed to request.

"Sure! But only when it's my time!" 

Luna Tijeras

The nomu held between her thighs lost its head.

"I guess crushing their noggins does the trick. That makes ya way easier to deal with than the average villain!"


"Get up, grape juice." 

"Why? The rear guard's job is just to catch any bad guys who slip past the front line. So getting pumped up is actually kinda insulting to the pros, right?"

"Get up." Sero ordered more firmly this time.

One of the pros held the earpiece at his ear. "It's starting." He stated, far too calmly for the students' liking.

"They're on the move." Jirou announced with her earjacks in the ground. She looked off into the distance, her brows knitting together in worry. "I'm not too concerned about Tokoyami, but what about..."

Yaoyorozu took her shoulder. "I'm sure he'll be just fine!"

The 'he' that they spoke of, who sped towards the enemy a few metres away... was not just fine.

"I wanna be with you guys!!" Kaminari cried.

Midnight jogged up beside him. "You knew what you were getting into. We need your quirk. Just think of it as helping out adults who don't have what it takes."

"Don't have what it takes?! Nope! Never thought that at all!" 

"Kaminari." Tokoyami began. "I learned something watching you play guitar. You're... amazing."

"Praising my shredding skills? Not helping here!"

"Erm... no."

Cementoss jumped to action, calling out words of caution before making the concrete of the front entrance warp. It spread like waves through the air, revealing the headquarters' inside.

"This is what happens when we're just waiting for Shigaraki or whoever. I say we get this started." One member of the Liberation Front stepped forward. "It's time for the Liberation Revolution!"

They charged forward, into the building and out to the entrance.

Cement flew everywhere, liquified or other, and the ground rumbled from the heavy footsteps that started its quake.

"Don't let anyone escape!" Edgeshot commanded. "They're well trained and ready to give their lives to the cause! If any of them get out, they could keep terrorizing other places! In order to protect, we must attack!"

Midnight noticed her student's uncertainty and appeared next to him once again. "Charge! Don't let the stage overwhelm you."


"If imagining people elsewhere doesn't do the trick, then think of the person who matters most to you right now."

"Right now..." He paused, turning back to where the jewel of his world stood: Jirou.

"Your numbers don't matter." In the hands of the Liberation Front, there was a charge and volts appeared. "I'll crank up my ampivolt's current and unleash it at full power! It reigns supreme!"

But as Kaminari finally found his place on the board, one could question... Supreme to who?

He raised his hand in the air and electricity formed at his fingertips. "There ya go: one big commander guy totally neutralized! Now let's mop up the others real quick so the guys we left behind don't need to worry!"

One person he thought of. Funny how that works, isn't it?

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