"Thank you, you didn't have to do that" Luna said smiling.

"It's okay, April went to sign in so," Jackson said.

The pair walked next to each other in silence to the signing-in desk.

"Luna Shepherd," Luna says to the young woman at the desk.

"Yes, all signed in your room key here and your information pack too," The woman said pointing to the envelope and key in her hand.

Luna took the envelope smiling, she turned around to see the others from her program look distressed.

"What's going on?" Luna asked walking up to her group.

"Meredith has got the plague," Cristina said.

"Mer why don't you go lay down? Video call Zola or something to order room service" Luna said trying to find a solution.

"What's your room, Lu?" April asked.

"Uhh 622, what?" Luna asked after everyone looked at Jackson.

"I'm 621," Jackson said looking at the floor.

"Okay they've just booked everyone's rooms next to each other" Luna said not noticing the looks on their faces.

"I mean I'm 623 so yeah?" April said trying to get the awkwardness out of the air.

"Okay, I'm going to get ready and then get food who wants to join?" Luna said picking up her bags ready to take the stairs.

"Yeah I'll join," April said.

"I'll join as well" Jackson also said.

"Okay see you down here in an hour?" Luna said before getting up and walking away.

Jackson very obviously watched her walk away which drew the attention of the other residents.

"You know you two are hopeless," Cristina said before following Luna with Meredith as well.

"I'm going back to Seattle, Morgan needs surgery," Alex said.

"Karev your never gonna make it back," Jackson said shouting after him.

"It's Karev he'll make it back," April said picking up his stuff as well as hers.

April took a moment to look at Jackson and for the first, she saw the amount of pain he was in.

"You love her right?" April asked very bluntly.

"What?" Jackson snapped back caught off guard.

"You love her, that's why you aren't telling her anything you had planned or the fact you were going to ask her after Hunt" April said walking towards the elevator with Jackson following.

"It's complicated," Jackson said pushing the button for the elevator.

"Yeah because you two always make it complicated. Just don't regret not doing something in a year" April said getting into the lift with her and Karevs stuff.

"What time did we say we were meeting her for dinner?" April asked getting out of the elevator.

"In an hour," Jackson said following her out.

"See you then," April said disappearing into her room.


The number of tequila shots Luna had downed before Jackson and April had even got downstairs was too much. But not drinking was a worse pain.

"Luna" April said walking up to the girl sitting at the bar.

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