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Tsurugi's PoV:

I'm unsatisfied with how things are going. I was never good at getting along with others or making friends. Therefore I'm often alone. I spend some time with my parents every day and visit my brother but for the rest of the day I'm alone. Though I enjoy some time alone, some days I do feel a bit bored or lonely though.

It has always been like that. After the first accident my brother had, I lost interest in having fun and for some months it seemed impossible too. All I could think about was how I ruined my brother's life, how it was my fault even if everyone said it wasn't and how I wanted to turn back time and change what had happened. He would have had a great career ahead of him. If only I hadn't shot up that ball into the tree by accident...

,,Kyousuke? Are you home? We got some food from your favourite place!"
I heard my mothers voice coming from the entrance. Seems like she is home early from work today.
And so I went downstairs for some food.
I had been living alone for some time back in Jr. High because our parents had been working abroad to earn more money for my brother's surgery. After he recovered, Yuuichi moved in as well and our parents returned so we can have some quality family time together. Not long after that, the accident happened and since then my brother has been back at the hospital. Our parents decided to stay this time though.

I went into the kitchen and saw my mother place down a plastic bag with a white box in it. ,,Thanks for the food. Can I eat upstairs?"
I grabbed the bag and a drink while waiting for an answer.

,,Sure. But you gotta eat dinner with us later."
,,I can do that."

Father turned around and looked at me. He looked a bit emotionless but deep inside his eyes you can still see his emotions. They aren't gone. Just hidden.
,,Did you visit Yuuichi? How is his condition? I didn't get to visit since a few days. The company is making me work extra hours lately."

,,Yea. The doctor said he's doing well. No idea when or if he's gonna wake up anytime soon though."

,,I see.. "

I turned around and went upstairs.
Deep inside me I already knew that my brother would wake up again. I just don't know when.
But I'll save him without doubt!

My mission to kill you - Angel's last step  [INAZUMA ELEVEN GO]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant