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(Still Tsurugi's PoV)

,,I'm happy to see that so many of you are interested in joining. Don't think it will be easy though. Neither joining, nor training.
First off, all of you will do some warming up. Run 15 minutes and then stretch. There are uniforms in the lockers, as well as a towel and a water bottle. After that you will stand in a line infront of me. Got it? Now get ready!"

I tried not to glare too much. I'm sure I know this man but I could be wrong. We'll see.

Tenma's PoV

Everyone, including me and Shinsuke, were getting ready in the locker room.

,,Pssht! Tenma!" I heard a voice whisper.
It was Shinsuke. We whispered to not distract the others.

,,It's been a while we've seen him, right?"
,,Yes! I was surprised but happy too. If we get into the team, it will be like old times."

Shinsuke chuckled.
,,Exactly! It reminds me of the time when we had to do the entrance exam for Raimon back in our first year of junior high."
,,Time sure flies by quickly, huh? I already miss everyone."
,,Me too. I wish our senpais were here too."

Shinsuke and I felt a tap on our shoulders so we turned around and a huge smile appeared on our faces.

,,Long time no see."
,,So glad you two came here too!"

,,Kariya, Hikaru! You're really here!" We all hugged us and I saw Tsurugi glancing over. Does he want a hug too? He seems like someone who is often alone..

,,Glad to see you too."

,,Didn't you want to join a different school, Hikaru?"

He laughed awkwardly in response and scratched the back of his head. ,,Yea but Kariya convinced me to come here instead."
Tenma was even more excited now. ,,So you're playing soccer again this year too? Let's all pass the entrance exam!"


Tsurugi's PoV

So it's really him. Kariya Masaki. I took a look at my wristwatch that was giving me a rapidly blinking sign. Hah! I see what's going on here. Good job, Kariya. You're not that bad for a beginner.
.. Eventhough I'm a beginner too..
I hid the watch under my clothes in my locker. Can't have anyone find it. This would blow my cover.

Kariya seemed to notice me too as he glanced over. A quick smirk appeared on his face until he got back to talking to the others all friendly. He had always been a master of his expressions. A great actor.
It's been a while since I had a talk with him.

Tenma's PoV

,,Do you two know if any of our former upperclassmen are also here?"
,,None unfortunately. I know that Shindou, Akane, Kirino and Sangoku joined some fancy private school, Aoyama and Ichino still stick together as well, Amagi, Kurumada, Midori, Kurama and Hamano all went to a certain one, Ryoma is in Italy again and Hayami joined a high school for students who are interested in fields of science. So that leaves us 4 and Aoi."

,,Aoi is here too."
,,There you have it then."

,,We all went our own ways, huh? That's kind of sad but it's also exciting. We get to meet new people and make new friends. Shinsuke and I made friends with Tsurugi over there."
I smiled and waved as the named person turned around since he heard his name

Kariya smiled. ,,Seems like a nice guy."

,,He can be a bit hard to communicate with but it's only the first day so it's all gonna work out somehow."

I heard Hikaru chuckle. ,,You still say that line. You barely changed, Tenma."

We all laughed.

,,Everyone get out! That was plenty of time to change. You can chat later!"

,,Yikes! The coach! Better hurry!"

And together with my former friends, and my new friend Tsurugi, I exited the changing room.

Time to play soccer!

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