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(CREDIT: https://picrew.me/image_maker/32223)

Lessons were over and it was time for the club activities.

Tenma's PoV :
Soccer time! My friends and I were already on our way to the pitch when someone called us. ,,Hey! Our midfielder cinnamon bun!" Who?? We all turned around and saw a tall, pretty muscular boy with red hair running towards us.

,,That's Akuma. One of the two ace strikers!" Aoi exclaimed.
He just laughed. ,,Didn't know I was famous already. Mind if I walk with you?"
,,No problem."
As we walked with him, everyone glanced over to him occasionally. Everyone except for Tsurugi maybe.
He's probably a 3rd year already.
The entrance exam wasn't just for new students afterall. It was for everyone, so we have 2nd and 3rd years as well.
There is a very noticeable tattoo on his neck and a scar on his face. He's even got ear piercings. He wasn't wearing the school uniform jacket and his white shirt was pretty loose as well.
I got surprised when he catched me looking over. His hand moved playfully like a wild animal.
Akuma: Rawr~ Already checking me out little cinnamon bun? Shouldn't play with the wild off field, cutie.

A few of my friends, also including me, looked at him in disbelief.
Did he just.. flirt?
Aoi took my hand which made me look over. She's not the type to get jealous but I could feel how tense she was, gripping onto my hand to make sure noone could steal me from her. It made my blood rush to my cheeks.

Akuma: Our manager is getting protective I see.

Aoi: Tenma is my boyfriend.

Akuma: Is that so?~

Aoi: Yes.

Akuma: Don't worry, tiny blueberry. I won't steal him from you.

Aoi didn't respond to what he said and the wink that followed. It's rare seeing her like this.

Akuma was starring over to the benches.
Akuma: I think.. I have someone else as my prey anyways.

With a smirk and a casual wave he walked away.

Kariya: Weirdo

Shinsuke: His nicknames were worse than the hissatsu names Kariya tried to come up with.

Hikaru: Run-Run-Running hahhaha I'll never forget that!

Except for Tsurugi and Kariya, we all laughed.

Kariya: Why is it always me that's get teased!!?

As Akuma walked over to the bench, screaming of fangirls could be heard.

Kariya: I wonder if we also have fangirls?

Shinsuke: Not like you could handle them pfff

Kariya: M-maybe I could!

Aoi: I checked the players infos yesterday and Akuma had always been very popular among the girls.
He plays with them every now and then but stopped dating any of them after getting cheated on extremely by one. Now he's a heavy flirter among the boys.
Before he joined the soccer club, he also played basketball and volleyball.

Kariya: Yea he's definitely into balls hehe

Aoi: His family owns some crazy rich business abroad and he's often seen outside late at night, drunk. Apparently he works as a host.

Tenma: What's a host?

Aoi: Well uhm..

Tsurugi: A man who drinks expensive, alcoholic drinks with female costumers, parties a bit and flirts quite heavily, but still in a charming way. Host clubs are popular in the evening and around night.

Surprised we looked at Tsurugi who was caring his bag and walking like nothing ever happened.

Tsurugi's PoV:
Now that I think of it.. It would be a good way to get a look...

Tenma: How do you know about it so well?

Tsurugi: I'm a host too.

exclaimed my "friends" in shock.

,,You should come over to a private party next weekend. They don't care if you're allowed to drink yet or not. Know your limit and it's fine."

,,I would join!" said Kariya

Hikaru continued: Is it really safe? I'm not sure about it...

Shinsuke: I'm not sure either

Aoi: What do you mean by private party?

,,Every host gets to invite who they want but they have to serve their own guests as well."

Tenma: With you as our host, it should be fine.

Tsurugi: Yea I don't want to pull you home.
Ain't my business.

Tenma: Understandable. I think I'll come.

And slowly they all agreed, even Hikaru.

My plan will work out perfectly.

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