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In the chatroom (including Tenma, Aoi, Shinsuke, Kariya and Hikaru)

Shinsuke: I'm a bit sad Tenma wasn't chosen as our captain.

Kariya: Tenma was captain for a long time already. Give him a break xD

Tenma: I remember when I first got chosen by Endou, I didn't know what to do or if I could do well.

Hikaru: But you grew as a captain and did so well as captain of Earth Eleven. You were so cool in the matches that we got to see!

Tenma: Wow thank you Hikaru :o
I feel a bit embarrassed now hehe ^\\\\\\^

Aoi: I wonder who we'll play against.

Hikaru: With a new team it might not be very easy..

Shinsuke: We haven't really bonded yet.

Kariya: If the others are too bad we're still good. We have a goalkeeper, defender, midfielder and striker. It will be fine. Maybe.

Tenma: We also have Tsurugi. He's super strong!
@Tsurugi  We'll count on you ;D

*no reply*

Tenma: He must be busy

Aoi: Tenma.. He's not in the group.

Tenma: Whaaaaat?!

Hikaru: Should we add him? I sometimes feel a bit unsafe around him but I think it will get better and everyone seems to get along.

Shinsuke: He's so mysterious, quiet and dark, yes

Tenma: I believe we just have to get to know him better. He's probably a really nice guy deep down. We only have to warm up to him a little more ^^

Kariya: Yea he's cool

Shinsuke: So let's add him ^^

*Tenma added Tsurugi*

Tsurugi: What's this

Tenma: Welcome to our group chat! Now you can text or call us anytime you want ^^

Tsurugi: Ok

Shinsuke: Hey Tsurugi, do you have any idea who our opponent could be for the match?

Tsurugi: Nope

Tenma: We should all hangout at my place like we did back at Raimon someday. You can come too Tsurugi! Or are you busy?

Tsurugi: Often yea

Aoi: Probably the host stuff

Hikaru: That makes sense

Kariya: Hey Tenma, does your aunt still make those strawberry cakes? They're quite good

Tenma: I'm sure she can make one for us!

Hikaru: Yay!

Shinsuke: That cake is really something *drool*

Tenma: Let's all go to my place later this week then.

Aoi: Sounds like a plan. I'm going to do the homework now and head to bed. Good night everyone.

Shinsuke: Oh shoot! The homework!

Kariya: Almost forgot it too. Better do that now. See ya in school!

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