Give an atom bomb to a child

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"In a way, your soft cootchy demeanor is rubbing off on me, I'm getting kinder by the day"

Heather couldn't help giggle "Okay, that sounds so bad!"

"It is, I'm a demon... Heather, I was the enemy at one stage, I was a fiend, I killed people for a living, found joy out of it, I wasn't fucking kind"

Heather swallowed her laugh and swallowed again "Oh... Okay..."

"I have enemies too... A lot of them, not just the goddesses who stopped me, many more, knights, elves, warlocks and wizards, dragon riders, dragonborns, fuck the list goes on, and if you don't man up, become a little violent... You will die quicker than I can save you"

Heather shriveled "Ch... Charka?"

"You think I'm the only demon? You think me and my sisters are the only ones? You should see a Balor, giant ugly sons a bitches with skulls for heads and fire burning from their eye sockets, Devils, fuck you should see them! Handsome as fuck but devilishly powerful, I wasn't the strongest demon out there"

Heather felt her heart cramp and Charka noticed it "This is unfortunately the reality we are in, because I was evil, I had enemies who stood for justice, but I hated everyone, so even the other demons were my enemy, and that means the enemies of my enemies are my fucking enemies!"

"Charka you're scaring me!"

"Valkyries! Have you seen those bitches? Shigrun is the strongest, I can't beat her she's just too powerful, a kind of angel of war that lives in Asgard, heard of the place?"

"N... No?" Heather answered.

"Look to the stars at night, there's a whole universe out there... And 90% of them where my fucking enemies!"

"Okay fuck Charka! I get it! What do you want from me!?"

Heather heard her sigh but then scoff "You see!? I just felt pity for your little sad heart, I'm looking at it now, the poor thing is pounding here like it wants to run away"

"That's because you're scaring me!"

"I want you to dig into your darkness Heather"

"But I don't want to be evil!"

"Who said you should be evil!?"

"You! You told me to man up and become violent!"

"A knight fighting to protect his kingdom can be violent too you know..."

Heather sniffed wiping a tear "Okay, so...?"

"We are like jin and yang now, good and evil, harmony, balance, we not only share your body but your soul, your mind, emotions and your reason... If I don't ask you to dig at the darkness a little... You'll be too friendly and too kind, too damn trustful then end up handing an atom bomb to a child"

"I... I don't even know what an atom bomb is"

"Its a bomb that can wipe out the largest city you can think of in one blast"

"F... Fu-fu... Fuck!"

"And in this case the atom bomb is me Heather! You have my power, and kind hearted people will not grasp its potential, you need to be a little more sinister.

Once you figure out how hard you must twist a neck before it snaps, only then can you learn where the limits of your kindness are, how kind you can be, with this atom bomb in your hands..."

Heather suddenly felt swamped by this reality, she looked at herself again and pinched those locks "So, what you're saying is... Someday your enemies will be mine?"

"One day your hair will be bright red and then I'll be identified, so yes, my enemies might find an interest in you"

"Then what should I do?"

"From here on forward we settle into my world a little, we do things my way, you're going to stop letting your little flower bother you, ignore the rack and belly, and do something sinister"

"Like what!?"

"Anything! Go punch the innkeeper in the face I dare you"

"I can't do that!"

"Yes you can! Go punch anyone in the face! Heck if you're too soft still go kick a puppy!"

"I can't kick a poor puppy!"

"Set a pigeon on fire! Slug a donkey in his balls! Just do anything!"



Brought in a little friction here people, sorry I had to find a way to give some background on Charka.

The next chapter might be a little funny, sorry bout that too.

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